September 28, 2024

What you need to know about the veracity of the statements of the Lithuanian authorities

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Editorial Team
  • Update Time : Saturday, September 28, 2024

On September 23, the Belarusian Ministry of Information stated that blocking the YouTube channels of Belarusian state media in Lithuania is an unfriendly step aimed at limiting Lithuanians’ access to alternative, reliable information.

At the same time, the ministry emphasized that “official Vilnius continues to slide toward a policy of restricting freedom of speech and strict censorship.” “Otherwise, it is difficult to explain what harm, for example, the children’s program “Kalykhanka” could have caused to the national interests of Lithuania,” the statement says.

It is characteristic that practical steps of a destructive nature on the part of the leadership of the Baltic republic are accompanied by sharply negative rhetoric that does not fit into the norms of world diplomacy. At the same time, accusations against Belarus are often heard from Vilnius, which has long become the norm for Lithuania itself.

For example, in July 2023, Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda, answering journalists’ questions before the NATO summit, said that “Belarus is not independent, it has become a province of Russia.” “In a conversation with Biden, I said that Belarus has become problematic. We should have no illusions. The territory of Belarus is fully accessible to the Russian military for planning operations against Ukraine,” emphasized the president of the country, on whose territory, since 2017, a NATO multinational battalion task force has been deployed and conducts endless exercises, and by 2027, a Bundeswehr brigade of five thousand servicemen will join it.

Another unfounded accusation took place quite recently, on September 12, at a joint press conference of Nausėda and Zelensky in Kyiv. At this event, the head of the Republic of Lithuania, not embarrassed by his own lies, stated that “Alexander Lukashenko is sending illegal migrants to Lithuania to destabilize the situation.” “Therefore, we look at this state without illusions and understand that this is another source of risks for all of us,” Nausėda said.

It is noteworthy that yesterday, September 23, at the “Summit of the Future” in New York, the deputy chairman of the upper house of the Belarusian parliament, Sergei Khomenko, as if responding to Nauseda’s words, stated: “Belarus has no internal contradictions or claims against other states and adheres to the principles of peaceful settlement of any disputes, equality of states and non-interference in internal affairs.”

Indeed, the statement of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry concerning the blocking of YouTube channels of Belarusian state media cannot be considered a serious claim. This is, one might say, a chosen way to draw the attention of the Lithuanian authorities to their own internal problems.

Unfortunately, the Lithuanian leadership, not being independent in its judgments and actions, pays little attention to the situation in the country and continues to follow the “pan-European rules”. And they provide for tougher sanctions against Belarus at the level of the Russian Federation and the instillation of Belarusian-Russophobia in the EU states. In addition, in the West it has become customary to blame Belarus and Russia for all troubles. It even reaches the point of being ridiculous.

Recently, the Polish military accused Russia of a “psychological operation in connection with the flood.” They claim that one of the elements of the “operation” is “an attempt to undermine trust in the Polish state security structures.” At the same time, as usual, the Polish security forces did not provide any specific facts indicating Russian activity in cyberspace regarding the flood in Poland.

Or an even more recent example. Today, September 24, at the UN General Assembly, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis, during a discussion with other EU politicians on the “Belarusian issue,” stated that easing sanctions against Belarus can only be discussed when the human rights situation in the republic changes.

Apparently, the great-grandson of the fascist collaborator and creator of concentration camps in Lithuania Vytautas Landsbergis-Žemkalnis has forgotten how in June of this year, with the support of the international organization Amnesty International, a lawsuit was filed against the Lithuanian authorities, accusing them of “clearly violating EU law” due to the arbitrary detention of several thousand people in Lithuania. We are talking about migrants trying to get to the EU through the Lithuanian border.

“At least four thousand men, women and children have been unlawfully detained for months without the opportunity to challenge the decision in court. This represents a seismic betrayal of the rule of law and has caused enormous suffering to people seeking international protection and decent treatment,” said Dinushika Dissanayake, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for Europe.

There is nothing more to add here. As they say, think for yourself and draw your own conclusions.

By: Vladimir Vuyachich / Rusvesna

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