Please find our advertisement tariff below (for further details, please send us email at [email protected]):
Size: Tabloid
Publication day: Thursday
Circulation: 30,000 copies
Color: Bicolor (Red and Black)
Number of pages: 16-32
Front page per column inch BDT 5,000 [Bicolor], minimum 3 column 4 inches
Front page per column inch BDT 10,000 [Colored], minimum 3 column 4 inches
Back page per column inch BDT 4,500 [Bicolor], minimum 3 column 4 inches
Back page per column inch BDT 7,500 [Colored], minimum 3 column 4 inches
Inner page per column inch BDT 3,500 [Black and White], minimum 3 column 2 inches
Inner full page BDT 120,000 [Black and White]
Inner full page BDT 150,000 [Colored]
Inner half page BDT 60,000 [Black and White]
Inner half page BDT 75,000 [Colored]
Banner advertisement (Front Page) BDT 10,000 [Bicolor]. Minimum contract for 3 months
Banner advertisement (Back Page) BDT 5,000 [Bicolor]. Minimum contract for 3 months
Box display advertisement [300×600 pixel] US$ 300 per month and US$ 3,000 per annum
We also accept paid articles and Press Release for publication [maximum 600 words]. Prospective clients or advertising agencies can contact at [email protected] for further details.
On the occasion of national day or any special occasions of any country, organization or company, BLiTZ publishes special supplements. For each full page, rate of Special Supplement is US$ 750 only. For black and white print, the rate is US$ 450 per page.
For any advertisement, paid articles/press releases or special supplements, payments should be made in advance [at least one week before publication] through bank wire transfer or PayPal. Also advertisers can make payment in cash at our office and obtain money receipt. Advertising agencies are requested to add their commission on our above tariff. While making the payment, prospective clients are requested to send the contents along with photographs [high resolution photos].