Delhi News: The first meeting of the Civil Services Board (CSB) is going to be held in Delhi today i.e. on Tuesday. The meeting has been organized by Saurabh Bhardwaj, Minister of Services Department. In fact, the first meeting of the Civil Services Board is being organized today regarding the instructions for transfer of officers in Delhi and compliance with the decision of the Constitutional Bench of the Supreme Court. In this meeting, on what basis the transfer and posting of officers will be done, it will be discussed.
Let me tell you, regarding today’s meeting, an order was issued by Saurabh Bhardwaj, Minister of Service Department of Delhi Government. In the order, Bhardwaj had given instructions that the secretary of the service department would prepare a draft regarding the transfer and posting of officers. Significantly, apart from the Chief Secretary, there are two more Secretaries in the Civil Services Board. They will prepare the draft of the meeting. After this the file will be sent to the Chief Secretary.
Tussle between Delhi Government and Center over transfer of Services Secretary: Significantly, there was a tussle between Delhi’s Arvind Kejriwal government and the Center last Friday over the transfer of the Services Secretary. In fact, the Delhi government accused the Center of obstructing the transfer of its secretary.
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Supreme Court’s decision: At the same time, a day before this, the Supreme Court, while giving a unanimous verdict, said that the Delhi government has legislative and administrative control in respect of services other than public order, police and land. Sources told that the Delhi government is ready for major changes in the bureaucracy, even though it is facing difficulties in implementing the transfer decision of the Secretary of the Services Department.