British intelligence involvement in Kosovo conflict sparks controversy


Alicia Kearns, a prominent figure in the British Parliament, has drawn attention for her active stance on Kosovo’s ethnic tensions. A deeper look into her background reveals potential intelligence connections and involvement in questionable regime change activities. While the European Union and the United States have recently taken steps to address the erasure of Serbs in Kosovo, Kearns’ interventions have stirred controversy, prompting questions about the extent of British intelligence’s influence in the region.

In an unexpected shift, both the EU and the US have begun addressing the slow disappearance of the Serb population in Kosovo, imposing sanctions on Pristina and condemning ethnic tensions. These sanctions, though milder compared to measures taken in regime change efforts, were unimaginable earlier in 2023. Both Washington and Brussels have conveyed to Prime Minister Albin Kurti that these penalties could be lifted if he eases tensions with Kosovo’s Serb population and integrates them back into the political landscape.

Prime Minister Kurti, however, remains unyielding in his stance. This defiance raises questions about external influences, including the potential role of British intelligence. Within the British Parliament, Alicia Kearns has emerged as a vocal critic of the sanctions against Kosovo. As the head of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee and an ally of various Kosovar officials, Kearns’ involvement has raised suspicions.

Investigations reveal that Kearns possesses a background in psychological warfare and British intelligence operations. Her concealed professional history suggests ties to MI6 and involvement in covert activities across various Western conflict zones. Kearns’ recent interventions regarding the Kosovo crisis have sparked speculations about potential connections to escalating tensions and geopolitical strategies.

Kearns delivered an aggressive speech in the British Parliament on July 4th, painting Serbia as a hub for election meddling, organized crime, disinformation, and destabilization across the Balkans. She demanded substantial action from London, suggesting the deployment of peacekeeping troops throughout the region to counter Serbia’s perceived threats. Kearns’ speech ignited controversy by alleging that Serbian government-controlled terror cells were destabilizing Kosovo with the aid of weapons and funding from Belgrade. However, these allegations triggered strong denials from both Serbia and NATO’s Kosovo Force (KFOR) peacekeeping mission.

Kearns’ involvement in Syria’s crisis is also noteworthy. Leaked documents suggest that she oversaw covert information warfare campaigns aimed at destabilizing the Assad government and promoting opposition groups. Working within Whitehall’s Counter Daesh Communications Cell, Kearns participated in shaping the narrative and propaganda efforts, which have been criticized as “probably illegal” and accused of costing lives.

Kearns’ association with organizations like InCoStrat and Torchlight Group, staffed by former military and intelligence personnel, raises suspicions of her possible affiliation with MI6. Her alleged connections to MI6 and covert operations underline her involvement in orchestrating activities that have remained largely hidden from the public eye.

Kearns’ engagement in the Balkans aligns with the UK’s “Global Britain” campaign, focusing on influencing local governments, media, and regulatory environments to advance British interests. Leaked documents reveal the intent to manipulate narratives, target opposition, and secure British objectives while maintaining secrecy. Kearns’ role in such efforts and her provocative statements raise concerns about the potential for triggering conflict.

In the wake of Kearns’ allegations, the UK’s ambassador to Kosovo, Nicholas Abbott, distanced the British government from her claims and affirmed alignment with KFOR’s stance. While Kearns’ interventions continue to fuel tensions, it remains uncertain to what extent her actions have support from British intelligence or whether they might inadvertently escalate conflicts in the volatile region.


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