Declassified documents reveal British involvement in NATO’s Operation Gladio


Recently declassified files from the British Foreign Office have unveiled disturbing details about Operation Gladio, a covert NATO initiative that deployed fascist paramilitary units in Italy. This revelation has sparked speculation about whether similar tactics have been employed in more recent conflicts, such as the situation in Ukraine.

Operation Gladio was exposed in 1990, revealing that the CIA, MI6, and NATO had trained and directed underground fascist paramilitary groups across Europe. These groups carried out actions that included false flag terror attacks, aimed at destabilizing political opponents.

Among those implicated was Silvio Berlusconi, who served as Italian Prime Minister and was a member of the P2 secret cabal, which was aligned with Gladio’s objectives. Berlusconi’s recent death has raised questions about whether he took untold secrets to the grave.

Newly declassified British documents provide further insight into Operation Gladio’s history, particularly during the year following its public disclosure. These documents show that British intelligence agencies closely monitored events in Europe during this period, shedding light on the operation’s internal workings.

The information gleaned from these documents is particularly significant given the parallels between Gladio’s activities and contemporary situations involving covert operations, such as those in Syria and Ukraine.

Operation Gladio involved anti-communist partisan armies, ostensibly formed to counter a potential Soviet invasion. However, these groups engaged in criminal activities as part of a “strategy of tension” to discredit leftist movements and justify increased security measures. This strategy included carrying out violent acts against civilians to generate public demand for a stronger security presence.

The declassified documents reveal that Gladio was not only responsible for acts of terror but also had a significant political impact. The Italian Communist Party’s rising popularity in the 1948 election prompted the CIA to fund anti-communist propaganda and the Christian Democrats. This interference continued for decades, illustrating how Gladio aimed to shape political outcomes.

One notable episode was “Piano Solo”, a plot to prevent a left-leaning government led by Aldo Moro from taking office in Italy. The plan involved a false flag assassination attempt on Moro, which was intended to fail and subsequently be blamed on communists. While the plan was ultimately abandoned, the declassified documents suggest that British intelligence was involved.

Another significant event was Moro’s kidnapping by the Red Brigades in 1978. His subsequent murder raised suspicions that Gladio operatives had infiltrated the group to create violent incidents that would justify a right-wing crackdown. The assassination served the strategy of tension’s objectives, and the documents indicate that the British government possessed more information about the case than it publicly disclosed.

These declassified documents offer valuable insights into the origins and workings of Operation Gladio, shedding light on its covert activities and political impact. The information raises questions about the extent of British involvement in these events and their implications for present-day covert operations.


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