During the digitization in Bihar, the missed Jamabandi will be investigated. If any discrepancy is found in this, action will be taken against the concerned Circle Officer (CO). This instruction has been issued by the Department of Revenue and Land Reforms after several complaints regarding Jamabandi. According to this, Jamabandi without evidence or Jamabandi of land other than ryati land will be canceled as per the rules. Along with this, legal action will be taken by the Additional Collector on the Zonal Officer and Jamabandi Raiyat, who has made the Jamabandi online.
Revenue and Land Reforms Department had received complaint
The department had received many complaints that even today jamabandi is being maintained in the old Register-2 in a wrong way without adopting the procedure of filing-rejecting. Along with this, it is being made online by saying that it has been left out. While taking action on the complaints, the department has made PDF of all such deposits available in the login of Circle Officer, Land Reforms Deputy Collector and Additional Collector. The concerned Zonal Officers have been instructed to take out the print of this PDF and note it on the print copy, marking the basis for the creation of all Jamabandi. Along with this, the type of Khesra land of all such jamabandis has been marked with details like Ryati, Government, Bakast, Belgan etc. and asked to mark on the print copy and put their signature. The Land Reforms Deputy Expert will check all the print copies from the records and send it to the Additional Collector and the Additional Collector has been instructed to submit its report to the department.
3.58 crore deposits have been made public on the portal
According to sources, from December 2017 to October 2018, about 3.58 crore deposits in all 534 circles of the state were digitized and uploaded on the department’s portal. But has been made public. After this, the department came to know from the complaints and complaint letters that in digitization, inaccuracies have remained in the details related to name, account, khesra, rakba and rent of the ryots in some jamabandis. Also, Jamabandi of many raiyats could not be done online. After this, improvements are being made after investigation on the complaints of the ryots at the zonal level.
Improvement in total 118.79 lakh online deposits so far
So far, a total of 118.79 lakh online Jamabandis have been made online for correction and 9.65 lakh Jamabandis have been made online for digitization.
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Action will be taken against the guilty CO
In future, before digitizing and making online these missed Jamabandi, the Zonal Officer will have to take the permission of the Deputy Collector of Land Reforms. If the negligence of any employee comes to the fore while making the missed deposit online, action will be taken by fixing his responsibility.