The way to go from Buxar to Lucknow and Delhi has become easy. On Wednesday, the new two-lane bridge over the Ganga river in Buxar connecting Patna to Ara via Uttar Pradesh and the toll plaza on NH at Dalsagar were inaugurated. It was inaugurated by Amit Ranjan, Project Director, NHI. With the commissioning of this bridge built on the Ganges with a cost of Rs 89 crore, traders including the common people of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh will be greatly helped.
Lucknow in four to five hours
Earlier, Veer Kunwar Singh Setu built on river Ganga was declared dilapidated in the year 2014 itself and traffic of big vehicles was stopped. Vehicles bigger than this had to go to Uttar Pradesh or Delhi via Chhapra. Due to this, he had to cover a distance of 150 km more. Now people will be able to travel to Lucknow from Purvanchal Expressway in four to five hours. Whereas, those going to Delhi will take ten hours via the Green Highway.
Toll tax will be Rs 95 for jeep and car
The toll plaza built near Dalsagar village has also been made operational from Wednesday. Rs 95 for jeep and car, Rs 150 for light commercial vehicle, Rs 315 for bus and truck, Rs 345 for three axle vehicle, Rs 495 for four to six axle vehicle, Rs 605 for heavy vehicle or seven axle vehicle. Toll tax will be applicable per trip. Vehicles with Buxar number plates or vehicles from other places which will be registered at Buxar’s address will attract a tax of Rs 330 per month. No fee will be charged from tractors, two wheelers and autos. Commercial tractors will be charged.
Transport Corporation buses will run from Patliputra bus terminal to main places of Patna, three passenger sheds will be built
a look at the new bridge
1.122 km length
14.05 m width
89 crore cost
630 m Approach road on south side of the bridge
590 m aproj road on the north side of the bridge