Giving more oxygen can make the newborn blind, know what the doctor told the reason for this?


Jamshedpur. The Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) Jamshedpur Branch Half Yearly Conference was held at Golmuri Club on Sunday. The program was inaugurated by Dr. Pradeep Kumar, Dean, Manipal Tata Medical College, Dr. KN Singh, Principal, MGM Medical College, Dr. Rani Children Hospital, Ranchi. Jointly done by Rajesh Kumar, Dr. BR Master, Dr. Akhori Mintu Singh, Dr. Mithlesh Kumar. Birth asphyxia was discussed in detail during the programme.

It was told that this happens immediately after the birth of the child. Oxygen does not reach the child’s brain. The child starts having difficulty in breathing. Due to not taking oxygen, there is a lack of oxygen in the child’s body. The acid level in the body increases. This can be fatal. Dr. Rajesh Kumar told about the precautions to be taken while giving oxygen to children. It is said that by giving more oxygen, the eyesight of the newborn can go away. More than 82 pediatricians participated in the conference.

Why institutional delivery is necessary

Dr. Rajesh Kumar, physician of Rani Children Hospital Ranchi, said that the first hour after birth is important for the newborn. According to the World Health Organization, 23 percent of the total newborn deaths worldwide are due to birth asphyxia alone. Hence institutional delivery is advised. In the event of birth asphyxia, proper treatment can be provided to the newborn under the supervision of specialist doctors. IAP President Akhori Mintu Sinha said that the organization organizes seminars from time to time to give information about new techniques to be adopted in the treatment of various diseases. Dr. Mithilesh Kumar said that there has been a change in the methods of treatment after Corona, due to which doctors need to be updated.


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