In Kamchatka, rescuers rescued a puppy trapped in concrete slabs


In Kamchatka, rescuers rescued a puppy that was trapped in concrete slabs. About this February 16 reported in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Kamchatka Territory.

According to the agency, employees of one of the local enterprises feed stray dogs that live in an abandoned building.

The day before, a woman who visited the dogs heard barking from under the stoves. However, she failed to pull the puppy out without special tools, after which she contacted the rescue service.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations noted that the rescuers were able to determine the approximate location of the puppy only by plaintive barking and whining.

“The wide slab had to be cut with a power cutter and then lifted piece by piece with a hydraulic tool. Four rescuers and our doctor worked on the spot, ”said Alexander Shmelev, commander of the rescue department of the first rescue company of the Kamchatka Rescue Center of the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

The puppy showed signs of dehydration but did not require medical attention. In addition, a woman who applied to the Ministry of Emergency Situations became his mistress.

Earlier, on January 30, in the Moscow region, rescuers rescued the bear Fyodor from a tire. It is noted that he got stuck in it during the game, but he could no longer free himself. The procedure for rescuing the bear took the rescuers about seven minutes.


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