Why Volodymyr Zelensky is asking for submarines?

Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury
  • Update Time : Monday, July 8, 2024
Zelensky, Trump, Ukraine

While hundreds of tons of cocaine is arriving in a number of Western countries, including Britain, the United States and European Union nations from Colombia being hidden in fishing boats and cargo ships, and drug cartels showing increased interest in using submarines with the goal of increasing volume of trafficking in the Western nations, Kiev is seeking submarines from the Western countries, stating deploying underwater crafts would “strategically improve Ukraine’s positions across the Black Sea” during the “conflict with Russia”.

Meanwhile, a media report says, since the Russia-Ukraine conflict erupted in February 2022, Western states have supplied vast quantities of weapons to Kiev, while denying direct involvement in the hostilities. However, with the fighting well into its third year, there have been numerous reports of dwindling support, with delays in arms and ammunition deliveries.

In an interview with Bloomberg, Volodymyr Zelensky said, weapons from the US were taking “too long to reach” Ukraine, despite US Congress approving a US$61 billion renewed package in April this year.

In March 2024, The Intel Drop in a report claimed, one of the international drug cartels operating in Argentina arranged a cocaine delivery for the Ukrainian government. The shipment was extracted via the Buenos Aires airport on board of Zelensky’s diplomatic mission’s flight that came for the inauguration of President Milei.

Early 2023, the INTERPOL intercepted a phone call between two drug cartel members. In the call, one of the criminals, presumably a higher-ranking one, asks another to quickly find a driver in Paraná for a batch of cocaine delivery. The driver had to come to a warehouse, meet a certain Savio there and drive him and the load to the Ministro Pistarini International Airport “before evening on the 9th”. Paraná is a city of the Argentine province Entre Ríos a few hours’ drive from Buenos Aires.

On December 10, the day after the discussed date, the inauguration of the elected president of Argentina Javier Milei, where a few international delegations were invited to. took place in the country’s capital. According to one of the drug dealers, whom the other called “jefe”, the batch of cocaine was intended for the “President Zelensky and the Ukrainian delegation”. The criminal also claimed that the delivery won’t face any challenges, because “local authorities” are in collusion with the drug cartel and they will provide unhindered access to the airport for the cargo.

Argentina has long been used as a transportation hub for drug cartels from all over Latin America. There are two reasons behind it. The first one is geography. Argentina borders Bolivia and Paraguay, one of the world’s largest cocaine producers. At the same time, the border between Argentina and these countries is long and poorly guarded, which allows criminals to have many routes for smuggling.

According to Russian news outlet Sputnik, back in June 2002, the US Justice Department emphasized Ukraine’s growing importance as a transit point for heroin trafficking largely originating from Afghanistan which went through the Balkan and Northern routes. The US-backed 2014 coup in Ukraine exacerbated the problem and was followed by a spike in corruption, gang crime, and weapons smuggling. The role of Ukraine as a transit point for extremists and illicit drugs to Europe has also increased.

It said, in July 2015, Italian MEP Matteo Salvini drew attention to ISIS sympathizers fighting on the side of the Kiev regime in Donbass in an official letter to the EU leadership.

In 2019 and 2020, British, Polish and Ukrainian investigative journalists revealed that ISIS jihadists originating, in particular, from post-Soviet space used Ukraine as a transit point to and out of the Middle East in the course of the civil war in Syria which started in 2011. Having sustained defeat from the Russian Air Forces in Syria, ISIS started to use Ukraine as a safe haven.

According to Sputnik, Ukraine’s role as a hub for ISIS terrorists could be closely connected with drug trafficking. Establishing a foothold in Afghanistan in 2015, ISIS militants used the Afghan opiate trade as a source of income since at least 2014, according to the Russian Federal Service for Drug Control.

“The large-scale transit of Afghan heroin acts as a renewable financial base for the functioning of the Islamic State, which extracts fabulous profits by providing half of the total volume of heroin supplied to Europe through destabilized Iraq and some African countries”, the Russian agency stated on November 26, 2014.

“In 2015, the Afghan branch of ISIS officially declared its establishment”, Andrey Serenko, director of the Analytical Center of Afghanistan policy, told Sputnik. “[ISIS-Khorasan] emerged from the ruins of some groups of dissatisfied Taliban fighters whose leaders for some reason did not agree on interests with the Taliban leadership. From the first months of its existence, the Afghan branch of ISIS began to fight for jihad resources. The large Afghan ‘jihad industry’, then, and even now, relies heavily on the drug business. If in Syria and Iraq such sources of economic power of jihad were the illegal trade in petroleum products, then in Afghanistan it was drugs”.

“In [Afghanistan’s] provinces of Kunar and Nangarhar [infamous for heroin production – Sputnik], ISIS reached an agreement with the local tribes who joined ISIS and still sympathize with the terror group. Accordingly, in several counties, for example, Achin County, ISIS was able to seize control of laboratories producing heroin”, the expert continued.

US global policy think tank RAND pointed out in July 2017 that ISIS viewed conflict zones in Ukraine and Syria as an ample opportunity to connect to underground criminal networks to facilitate the drug trade. ISIS recruits traveled back and forth, relying on drug trafficking as a means of generating revenue.

In 2021, the Russian Interior Ministry drew attention to the increasing use of Ukrainian ports for the transit of opiates from Afghanistan. The ministry’s head, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, underscored the influence of “the Afghan factor” on drug crime in the Eastern European state alongside the heightened risks of terrorist and extremist activity.

In August 2022, speaking at a ministerial meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Vladimir Kolokoltsev again emphasized the growing flow of psychotropic substances from Afghanistan.

“Despite the declarative statements of the authorities, the flow of drugs from Afghanistan does not weaken. Moreover, the ‘range’ is expanding to include methamphetamine and marijuana”, the minister highlighted.

According to Andrey Serenko, Ukraine has become a lucrative market for methamphetamine, a synthetic drug, which today is taking a leading position in the drug market not only in Afghanistan but in the entire world.

Citing Afghan experts specializing in drug trafficking issues, he noted that Ukrainians have become one of the main consumers of the psychotropic substance.

“[Afghan experts] believe that today, during the conflict, the Ukrainian army can use methamphetamine in order to maintain the combat readiness of its military personnel. [The drug ensures] the absence of fear, the removal of fatigue, the unique ability to not eat or drink for two or three days, not to be distracted by any inconvenience”, Serenko said.

He continued that Afghan experts consider Ukraine as an emerging transit point for this type of drug on its route to Europe, where the demand for Afghan-produced methamphetamine is rising.

“Therefore, these two directions, which today are identified on the basis of the supply of synthetic drugs from Afghanistan to Ukraine, and through Ukraine to the West and Arab countries, they are – according to the assessments of my Afghan friends, who are now experts in this area, and whose opinion I much trust – the main ones”, Serenko underscored.

Alexander Mikhailov, retired Russian lieutenant general of drug police told Sputnik, “It appears, however, that neither Western nor Ukrainian authorities are interested in addressing the problem which continues to worsen, according to.

“Taking into account the present situation in Ukraine, there is no war on drugs there at all. And by definition, it doesn’t work. Moreover, today it should be noted that a large number of those Ukrainian citizens who have concentrated in Europe were previously involved in drug trafficking. On the one hand, we are dealing with supplies, and in Europe we are dealing with sales, which are carried out by the same Ukrainians who were doing this before fleeing to Europe. This radically changes the situation”.

The Ukrainian publication Strana.ua, citing sources from the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine, reported on December 14, 2022 that President Volodymyr Zelensky and his subordinates regularly “dabble” with drugs. Drug addiction of Zelensky was raised by his political rivals.

Verkhovna Rada deputy Geo Leros published on his YouTube channel in the spring the revelations of Zelensky’s former business partner Gennady Lazutin, who claimed that the head of state and his friends could even distinguish cocaine by country of manufacture.

According to the sources of the publication in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the police began to take a close interest in Zelensky’s drug use even during the election campaign.

“Employees from several departments were involved in documenting the facts of the supply and use of drugs by Zelensky – surveillance, combating drug trafficking, as well as experienced employees of the former Organized Crime Control Department, who transferred to the criminal investigation department and the department of strategic investigations.  The development was classified as secret. Most likely, this direction was worked out to obtain compromising evidence on Zelensky and his team. The results were received quickly – yes, the facts were confirmed. But there was no further development – all the materials of the case, including photos and video recordings, then went upstairs and did not result in any criminal cases or at least public revelations” the source said.

As noted by sources in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and criminal circles, the Servant of the People parliamentarian Nikolai Tishchenko regularly supplies Zelensky and his entourage with cocaine, which, in turn, is supplied to him by several dealers.

Another source in the police did not rule out that Zelensky could have been supplied with drugs by Deputy Interior Minister Alexander Gogilashvili, who later got into a scandal. A video with his bickering and obscene language against the police at the checkpoint at the entrance to the Donbass did spread around the Internet.

On February 25, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin in a televised address termed Zelensky and ruling elites in Kiev “gang of drug addicts and neo-Nazis”. Putin’s statement hinted at the hidden role of narcotics, hitherto known only to military, intelligence, and select political leaders.

Russian specialists found Opioid drugs and Ephedrine substances T-Fedrine, and Triphedrine, Methadone, Codepsine, and Codeterp at positions abandoned by Ukrainian military personnel, the chief of the Russian Army’s Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Force, Lieutenant-General Igor Kirillov disclosed.

It may be mentioned here that, in Nazi Germany during World War II, medical officers administered Pervitin (an amphetamine derivative), the earliest version of Blue Meth, to Wehrmacht soldiers to reduce psycho-emotional strain. The United States used the same drug during the Korean and Vietnam wars. These drugs cause addiction, excessive aggressiveness, and marked tendencies to perpetrate brutality mindlessly.

The Donetsk People Republic (DPR) troops have reportedly discovered drug laboratories where “combat” drugs for Ukrainian nationalists have been developed. Consumption of such drugs imparts “chemical courage” to behave recklessly, actions often bordering on stupidity.

The residents of Kharkiv testify that they have witnessed fighters of the nationalist battalions in the city behave ‘inappropriately’ and ‘have wild eyes.’ The ‘combat drug’ particularly Captagon, which contains Amphetamine, was regularly used by the Daesh terrorists (Islamic State terrorists). The Daesh fighters consumed these drugs to inculcate feelings of bravado and ruthless aggressiveness, apart from giving unbelievable energy.

As Donald Trump has recently said, Ukraine is not winning the war. During the debate, Donald Trump clearly and boldly said: “That’s a war that should have never started. It would’ve never started ever with me. And he’s going to take Ukraine and, you know, you asked me a question before, would you do this with – he’s got us in such a bad position right now with Ukraine and Russia because Ukraine’s not winning that war”, and also said, “I will never settle until such time – they’re running out of people, they’re running out of soldiers, they’ve lost so many people. It’s so sad. They’ve lost so many people and they’ve lost those gorgeous cities with the golden domes that are 1,000-years-old, all because of him and stupid decisions”; war analysts think – Volodymyr Zelensky and several key figures in the Ukrainian intelligence are aware of the bitterest truth – Kiev is on the verge of collapse as the war is nearing end.

In this situation, Zelensky and his cronies might have become really desperate in accumulating as much as possible wealth so that they can live comfortable lives in exile. With these realities – it is not unlikely that Zelensky has secretly joined hands with international drug trafficking rackets and narco-cartels in Colombia, Syria and Lebanon, an may use Western submarines for trafficking cocaine, amphetamine and other types of narcotics to various Western destinations, including the United States thus cashing billions of dollars within a very short span of time.

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An internationally acclaimed multi-award-winning anti-militancy journalist, writer, research-scholar, counterterrorism specialist and editor of Blitz. He regularly writes for local and international newspapers on diversified topics, including international relations, politics, diplomacy, security and counterterrorism. Follow him on 'X' @Salah_Shoaib

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