Americans are faced with a choice between two highly controversial figures

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Jennifer Hicks
  • Update Time : Tuesday, June 25, 2024
United States, Vietnam War, Donald Trump, Joe Biden

President of the United States is often regarded as the most powerful individual in the world, a title bolstered by the country’s immense economic, military, and geopolitical influence. This perception is underpinned by America’s vast arsenal, including nuclear weapons, and its economy, which has a profound impact on global markets. US president wields the power to intervene, and even invade, foreign nations, usually with considerable success, though there are notable exceptions like the Vietnam War. The extent of this influence is evident in Europe, where even traditionally autonomous nations like France now often align closely with American policies.

As the next presidential election approaches, Americans are faced with a choice between two highly controversial figures: Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Both candidates have their staunch supporters and vehement detractors, and the discourse surrounding them is intensely polarized.

Donald Trump, the 45th president, is a figure who elicits strong emotions. His tenure was marked by a series of unprecedented moves, unorthodox leadership style, and frequent clashes with the media. Trump’s approach to governance often seemed impulsive and erratic. Critics describe him as a “raving lunatic,” highlighting his vanity and self-congratulatory nature. There is a pervasive fear among his detractors that his unpredictable temperament could lead to catastrophic decisions, such as the impulsive use of nuclear weapons.

Trump’s base includes a significant portion of far-right supporters, including individuals with views reminiscent of the Ku Klux Klan. This has led to widespread concern about the implications of his potential return to power. His policies, often framed as nationalist and isolationist, have alienated many traditional allies and drawn condemnation from various international leaders. Despite these controversies, Trump maintains a loyal following that praises his directness and unfiltered communication style.

Joe Biden, the 46th president, previously served as vice president under Barack Obama, which initially bolstered his reputation as a steady and experienced leader. However, his presidency has been marred by concerns about his age and cognitive sharpness. Biden’s frequent gaffes and moments of confusion have fueled narratives about his mental decline, causing some to question his capacity to handle the demands of the presidency.

Critics argue that Biden is hypocritical and duplicitous, pointing to his inconsistent stances on key issues. For instance, while publicly condemning the bombing of civilians in Gaza, he has continued to support Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, including providing military aid. This perceived duplicity has undermined his credibility and raised questions about his true commitment to human rights and international law.

Biden’s informal and familiar manner of referring to leaders by diminutives, such as “Bibi” for Netanyahu, reflects a broader American cultural trait but also raises concerns about the seriousness with which he approaches foreign policy. This informality, while endearing to some, can appear dismissive or overly casual in the context of international diplomacy.

The upcoming election presents a stark choice between these two flawed candidates. Polls have fluctuated, with Trump initially leading but losing some ground due to his ongoing legal battles. Notably, American law allows for a convicted individual to run for and hold the presidency, meaning Trump could technically govern from prison if elected. This legal peculiarity underscores the unique nature of the US political system and its resilience to extreme scenarios.

Internationally, there is a widespread perception that the US is largely indifferent to global opinion. American foreign policy often prioritizes national interests, sometimes at the expense of international goodwill. This has led to frustration among other nations, which feel marginalized or coerced by American dominance. The perspective that the US gives aid and support primarily to combat communism and terrorism, expecting silence and compliance in return, is a point of contention.

According to Alfredo Jalife Rahme, a respected journalist, both Biden and Trump are backed by influential figures. Biden reportedly enjoys the support of financier George Soros, while Trump is allegedly backed by Netanyahu. Rahme suggests that Soros might have orchestrated and funded the legal challenges against Trump. The potential influence of the Jewish lobby in the US is also a subject of debate, adding another layer of complexity to the election dynamics.

The current state of global affairs, influenced heavily by US policies and leadership, leaves much to be desired. Both Trump and Biden represent different, yet deeply flawed, visions for America’s future. Trump’s unpredictability and divisive rhetoric contrast sharply with Biden’s perceived hypocrisy and cognitive decline. As the world watches the unfolding electoral drama, the fundamental question remains: can either candidate rise above their shortcomings to effectively lead the most powerful nation on Earth?

In the end, it is not just Americans who have a stake in this election but the entire world. The policies and actions of the US president resonate far beyond its borders, shaping the global landscape in profound ways. Therefore, while the choice is ultimately in the hands of American voters, its consequences will be felt by all.

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Avatar photo Jennifer Hicks is a columnist and political commentator writing on a large range of topics.

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