From MQM to BNP, London turns into capital of terrorists

Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury
  • Update Time : Friday, December 22, 2023

Several years ago, Altaf Hussain, leader of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) was hitting news headlines in Pakistan and the world for his alleged involvement in terrorist activities. He was granted British citizenship in exchange for his “cooperation” with the UK authorities following 9/11 terrorist attacks on the US soil. He has been living in exile in the United Kingdom and been a fugitive from the Anti-Terrorism Court of Pakistan on the charges of murder, targeted killing, treason, inciting violence and hate speech. As Pakistani authorities successfully brought the case of Altaf Hussain to attention of the UK authorities through massive media coverages both in Pakistan and the Western countries, including Britain, Altaf Hussain went on trial in the UK in January 2022 for promoting terrorism and unrest in Pakistan.

Due to notorious actions of Altaf Hussain, during 1993 to 1996, the port city of Karachi was a political battleground between Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto’s Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) and Altaf’s MQM. In the wake of the ensuing political unrest, the MQM remained vocal about the arbitrary arrests and extrajudicial killings of its members.

In 2015, the Lahore High Court banned media coverage of Hussein, with the airing of his image and speeches banned across all electronic and print media. The Anti-Terrorism Court of Pakistan declared him a fugitive on the charges of treason, inciting violence, and hate speech, and sentenced him to 81 years in prison. In 2017, the Anti-Terrorism Court issued non-bailable arrest warrants for Altaf Hussain.

Pakistan asked Interpol to issue a red warrant against Hussain but Interpol refused, saying it does not “intervene in political and religious matters of a state”.

Fast forward 2023. Sitting in London, Tarique Rahman, a convicted terrorist and acting chairman of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) in a video statement has called upon people in Bangladesh to not to cooperate with the government by suspending payment of taxes, and water, gas and electricity bills.

It also includes not going to the polling stations, not providing the government with any taxes, and considering whether depositing money in banks is secure or not and not by people and not appearing before the courts in ‘false’ and ‘fictitious’ cases by BNP and other opposition leaders and activists from now on.

He also called on voters to boycott the 12th Jatiya Sangsad (National Parliament) elections scheduled to be held on January 7, 2024.

Meanwhile, propaganda cell of BNP and thousands of its online activists, led by former US diplomat Jon Danilowicz, William B Milam as well as jobless British reporter and Qatari asset David Bergman and others are sharing the video statement of Tarique Rahman on social media platforms, while they also are repeatedly calling upon Western nations to impose sanctions and visa restrictions targeting leaders of ruling Awami League as well as civil-military officers, judges and “pro-government” journalists.

At the instructions of Tarique Rahman, BNP agents in the United States and Britain also are pursuing foreign media outlets in running anti-Awami League reports and opinion-editorials, while David Bergman has been repeatedly asking Al Jazeera, Sky News and BBC to prepare and air documentaries against Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, members of her family as well as several key figures in the government, law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

Earlier it was reported in the media, at the directives of Tarique Rahman Bangladesh Nationalist Party at the directives of Tarique Rahman, acting chairman of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), who is a convicted terrorist on run the party, which is termed as Tier-III terrorist organization by US courts have established contact with Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) with the target of buying dozens of remote-controlled high-power explosives with the notorious target of disrupting the election through series of terrorist acts.

The Pakistani Taliban formally called the Tehreek-e-Taliban-e-Pakistan (TTP), is an umbrella organization of various Islamist armed militant groups operating along the Afghan–Pakistani border. Formed in 2007 by Baitullah Mehsud, its current leader is Noor Wali Mehsud, who has publicly pledged allegiance to the Afghan Taliban (Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan). After the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021, Pakistan was unable to persuade the Afghan Taliban to crack down on the TTP. The Afghan Taliban instead mediated talks between Pakistan and the TTP, leading to the release of dozens of TTP prisoners in Pakistan and a temporary ceasefire between the Pakistani government and the TTP. After the ceasefire expired on 10 December 2021, the TTP increased attacks on Pakistani security forces from sanctuaries inside Afghanistan.

According to international media reports, many of the TTP’s leaders are veterans of the fighting in Afghanistan and have supported the fight against the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force by providing soldiers, training, and logistics.

According to a credible source based in Manila, at the directives of Tarique Rahman, on November 8, 2023, a senior leader of Bangladesh Nationalist Party contacted a TTP kingpin over Telegram apps and requested remote-controlled explosives for “unseating the un-Islamic government” in Bangladesh.

The source further said, instead of sending remote-controlled explosives, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan may send one of its bomb experts to Bangladesh and as per arrangement, this bomb-maker would enter Bangladesh under the guise of tourist via Nepal. It may be mentioned here that while Al Qaeda succeeded in establishing hidden bases within mountainous areas in Nepal, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan also succeeded in establishing its minor footprint in the country. Such groups of TTP comprise 5-7 members. These Nepal-based TTP groups are mainly looking after financial matters, while it also is alleged that TTP is generating fund through participating in transnational drug trafficking rackets by forming affiliations with Afghan drug-lords as well as narco-cartels in South America.

Meanwhile, when asked – if it is legal for anyone, sitting on UK’s soil incite violence in another country – a number of sources in the United Kingdom, including eminent jurists and retired members of intelligence agencies said:

Inciting violence in another country from the UK’s soil can potentially lead to legal repercussions. UK law prohibits actions that could incite violence or promote terrorism, regardless of where those actions are carried out or directed.

The UK has laws that address activities related to incitement to violence, terrorism, and hate speech, among others. The Terrorism Act 2006, for instance, criminalizes actions that encourage or incite terrorism, including actions that might occur outside the UK but are orchestrated from within the country.

Moreover, the UK’s laws regarding hate speech and incitement to violence are comprehensive. If an individual residing in the UK incites violence in another country through public statements, online activities, or any other means, they might face legal consequences under UK law.

However, legal issues that span international boundaries can be complex and may involve diplomatic and jurisdictional challenges. Investigations and legal actions in such cases may depend on various factors, including the nature of the incitement, the targeted country’s laws, and the evidence available.

It’s essential to note that each case is unique, and legal advice from a qualified attorney with expertise in international law and related areas would be crucial for understanding the specifics and potential legal implications in a particular situation.

When their attention was drawn to the latest video statement of Tarique Rahman where he called for non-cooperating with the ruling Awami League government and topple Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina from power, they said:

In the United Kingdom, inciting violence, promoting terrorism, or engaging in hate speech are considered serious offenses and are addressed under various laws. When it comes to actions inciting violence in other countries from the UK’s soil, several legal references and statutes come into play:

Terrorism Act 2006: This legislation makes it an offense to encourage, glorify, or justify terrorism, including actions that take place outside the UK. Section 59 of the Terrorism Act 2006 specifically addresses acts committed outside the UK by UK nationals or residents and can lead to prosecution in the UK.

Serious Crime Act 2007: This act provides measures to prevent people from encouraging or assisting the commission of crimes, including violent offenses, whether committed in the UK or abroad.

Public Order Act 1986: This act includes provisions that address incitement to racial hatred, religious hatred, and stirring up hatred on the grounds of sexual orientation. Such offenses are prosecutable in the UK irrespective of where the incitement is directed.

Communications Act 2003: The Communications Act addresses malicious communications, which includes the sending of threatening, offensive, or menacing messages. If such communications incite violence or promote terrorism, they can be prosecuted under this act.

These legal provisions are designed to prevent individuals from using UK territory to incite violence, hatred, or terrorism in other countries. The laws are broad and cover various forms of communication, including online activities, public statements, and other means of dissemination.

When investigating cases involving incitement to violence in other countries from the UK, law enforcement agencies may collaborate with international authorities. However, legal complexities can arise due to jurisdictional issues and the differences in laws between countries.

Each case will be examined based on its individual circumstances, and legal advice from an attorney with expertise in international law or criminal defense would be necessary to understand the specific implications and potential consequences.

When asked – as in this case, Tarique Rahman, a convicted terrorist who is in the United Kingdom as asylum-seeker is inciting violence in Bangladesh, can it be brought into attention of the authorities in London, the response was:

Yes, if there are credible reports or evidence suggesting that Tarique Rahman, while residing in the United Kingdom, is inciting violence in Bangladesh or engaging in activities that violate UK laws, these concerns can be brought to the attention of the UK authorities.

Incitement to violence or any illegal activity, regardless of where it occurs or who is involved, can be subject to investigation and legal action by the authorities in the country where the actions are taking place or where the individual is located. If there is evidence suggesting that Tarique Rahman is involved in activities that are against UK laws, it can be reported to law enforcement agencies in the UK. They will investigate the matter and take necessary legal action if required.

It’s crucial to provide credible evidence or information to the relevant authorities so that they can initiate an investigation based on factual details. This ensures a proper legal process and adherence to the laws of the country where the individual is residing.

With the above information, can one ask the Bangladesh High Commissioner in the United Kingdom, Saida Muna Tasneem, who has served in the role since November 2018 and other members of the mission – what actions they have taken against Tarique Rahman’s criminal acts, and have they brought this matter to the attention of UK authorities as well as members of the media? To my own knowledge, they have not done anything or at least their efforts saw no result at all.

Similarly, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangladesh also did not exhibit their efficiency in this regard in countering illegal acts of Tarique Rahman and his cronies in London as well as BNP’s thuggish agents and lobbyists in Washington. For these years, very unfortunately, Bangladesh authorities even could not counter notoriety of Mushfiqul Fazal Ansarey, who has been continuously running vile activities against Awami League government by securing press accreditation cards in White House and the United Nations, despite the fact of this matter been repeatedly reported in Blitz.

An internationally acclaimed multi-award-winning anti-militancy journalist, writer, research-scholar, counterterrorism specialist and editor of Blitz. He regularly writes for local and international newspapers on diversified topics, including international relations, politics, diplomacy, security and counterterrorism. Follow him on 'X' @Salah_Shoaib

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