Pro-Caliphate Hizb Ut Tahrir poses gravest threat to global democracy

Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury
  • Update Time : Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Despite the fact that Hizb Ut Tahrir denounces democracy and advocate establishment of Caliphate, this notorious group is seen holding rallies in United Kingdom and other Western nations, including the US, despite the fact, Hizb Ut Tahrir is banned in the US and a number of European countries. Britain did not outlaw this pro-caliphate group and allowed it to continue its anti-democracy activities.

However, Hizb Ut Tahrir’s presence in the UK had raised concerns within certain circles, particularly among those monitoring extremist organizations and their potential impact on national security. The group’s vocal opposition to Western intervention in Muslim-majority countries and its strong advocacy for the implementation of Sharia law had drawn criticism from government officials and counter-extremism experts, who viewed its ideology as a potential catalyst for radicalization and the promotion of separatist narratives.

In response to its activities, the UK government, along with various law enforcement and intelligence agencies, had been closely monitoring the organization’s operations to assess any potential threats to national security or democratic values. Additionally, efforts were made to counter the group’s narrative through targeted engagement with at-risk communities, promoting counter-narratives, and emphasizing the importance of integration and shared democratic values.

The Bangladeshi government outlawed Hizb Ut Tahrir several years ago following publication of series of reports in Blitz exposing notorious agendas of this pro-Caliphate group. Bangladesh authorities said, decision to ban Hizb Ut Tahrir was as part of its efforts to curb the spread of extremist ideologies and maintain national security. The ban was implemented to prevent the organization from operating within the country and to address concerns about its potential to promote radicalization and destabilize the existing social and political fabric.

Bangladesh has a history of dealing with various extremist groups and has implemented stringent measures to counter their influence. The government’s decision to ban Hizb Ut Tahrir was in line with its broader strategy to combat radicalization and promote a more moderate and inclusive form of Islam within the country. Such actions reflect the government’s commitment to maintaining social harmony and preventing the spread of ideologies that could potentially disrupt the peaceful coexistence of different religious and ethnic communities within Bangladesh.

Although it claims to be disavowing the use of violence in its pursuit of power, in the recent years, Hizb Ut Tahrir has established sleeper cells in most of the countries comprising armed cadres who mainly target secularists individuals by branding them as “enemies of Islam” where Hizb Ut Tahrir openly calls for attacking and slaughtering targeted individuals.

In Bangladesh, Hizb Ut Tahrir has established a sleeper cell comprising trained militants, while according to sources, this cell maintains deeper ties with Ansar Al Islam, a militancy outfit linked to Islamic State. The sleeper cell of Hizb Ut Tahrir in Bangladesh is located at 105/1 Azimpur Road, Dhaka (mobile number 0176197-3668) and it is headed by Abrar Hossain Chowdhury. Twitter handle of this Hizb Ut Tahrir sleeper cell member is: @AbrarHossain007.

In the realm of international politics, the resurgence of the pro-Caliphate organization, Hizb Ut Tahrir, has raised concerns about the stability of democratic institutions worldwide. With its fundamentalist agenda and unwavering commitment to the establishment of a global Caliphate, Hizb Ut Tahrir has positioned itself as a significant challenge to the values of democracy, human rights, and pluralism. Its radical ideology and aggressive advocacy have sparked debates on the future of global governance and the preservation of democratic norms.

Hizb Ut Tahrir, a transnational Sunni pan-Islamist organization founded in 1953, operates clandestinely across the world, promoting the idea of a unified Islamic state governed by Sharia law.

Hizb Ut Tahrir’s rhetoric often undermines the principles of freedom of speech, equality, and the protection of individual rights, laying the groundwork for the erosion of democratic values in societies susceptible to their influence.

The global expansion of Hizb Ut Tahrir has been facilitated by its adept utilization of modern communication platforms, enabling the dissemination of its extremist ideology to a wide audience. Its presence is evident in various regions, including the Middle East, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, and Europe, where it continues to recruit followers and sympathizers disillusioned with their respective governments. The organization’s ability to exploit political and socioeconomic grievances has contributed to its growing influence, posing a severe threat to the stability of both emerging and established democracies.

Hizb Ut Tahrir’s ideology and the recruitment of disenchanted individuals into its fold have created formidable challenges for democratic institutions worldwide. Its uncompromising stance against the separation of religion and state, coupled with its rejection of modern democratic principles, presents a direct challenge to the foundational pillars of pluralistic societies. Furthermore, its efforts to delegitimize democratic governments and promote an alternative, theocratic system, threaten to undermine the hard-earned progress toward global democratization and the protection of human rights.

The preservation of global democracy necessitates a united and concerted effort to confront the growing influence of Hizb Ut Tahrir and other extremist groups. Upholding the principles of inclusivity, equality, and respect for human rights remains imperative in mitigating the threats posed by organizations that seek to undermine the very essence of democratic governance. Through sustained vigilance, collaboration, and the promotion of democratic values, the international community can effectively counter the ideological challenges posed by Hizb Ut Tahrir and safeguard the future of democratic institutions worldwide.

As Hizb Ut Tahrir continues to expand its global reach, the urgency to confront its extremist agenda becomes increasingly apparent. The organization’s steadfast commitment to the establishment of a Caliphate and its systematic erosion of democratic principles highlight the critical need for proactive measures to safeguard the integrity of democratic institutions. By fostering a comprehensive and collaborative approach, nations can fortify their defenses against the encroachment of Hizb Ut Tahrir’s ideology, preserving the fundamental values upon which global democracy thrives.

Presence of Hizb Ut Tahrir

The presence and activities of Hizb Ut Tahrir have raised concerns globally due to several key reasons, prompting the international community to monitor its actions and ideological propagation closely. Some of the primary reasons why the world should be concerned about the organization include:

Hizb Ut Tahrir promotes of extremist ideology

Hizb Ut Tahrir advocates for the establishment of a global caliphate governed by Sharia law, which involves the rejection of secular governance and the imposition of a strict interpretation of Islamic law. Its promotion of an extremist ideology undermines the principles of pluralism, democracy, and human rights, posing a direct challenge to the values upheld by many nations around the world.

Potential for radicalization

The organization’s propagation of an uncompromising and exclusionary narrative has the potential to radicalize individuals, particularly within marginalized communities and regions where political, social, or economic grievances exist. Its efforts to delegitimize existing governments and promote an alternative theocratic system could fuel social unrest and contribute to the emergence of extremist ideologies that may lead to violence and instability.

Hizb Ut Tahrir poses threat to national security

Hizb Ut Tahrir’s activities have been associated with the radicalization of individuals, which could lead to domestic and international security threats. The organization’s ability to exploit societal grievances and recruit individuals with a predisposition to extremist ideologies raises concerns about potential acts of violence or terrorism perpetrated in the name of its radical cause.

Hizb Ut Tahrir undermines democratic values

By rejecting the principles of democratic governance and advocating for the implementation of a theocratic system, Hizb Ut Tahrir undermines the foundations of modern democratic societies. Its persistent efforts to delegitimize democratic institutions and promote an alternative political structure based on religious principles pose a threat to the progress made in advancing democratic values and human rights globally.

Global influence and reach of Hizb Ut Tahrir

Hizb Ut Tahrir’s transnational presence and utilization of modern communication platforms enable the dissemination of its extremist ideology to a wide audience, transcending national boundaries. Its ability to attract followers and sympathizers across different regions and cultures underscores the need for a coordinated international response to mitigate its influence and prevent the spread of its radical agenda.

Given these reasons, it is crucial for the international community to remain vigilant and collaborate in addressing the challenges posed by Hizb Ut Tahrir, working towards the preservation of democratic values, social cohesion, and global security. Through concerted efforts and strategic measures, nations can effectively counter the organization’s extremist narrative and safeguard the fundamental principles upon which peaceful and inclusive societies thrive.

Connections between Hizb Ut Tahrir and Palestinian terrorists

Hizb Ut Tahrir, as an organization, supports the “Palestinian cause” and advocates for destruction of Israel and creation of “Palestine”. It may be mentioned here that Hizb Ut Tahrir also demands destruction of the United States and bringing the Western world under Caliphate rule.

Following October 7 Hamas pogrom in Israel, it is seen that Hizb Ut Tahrir is openly celebrating murder of over 1,400 Israeli and foreign nationals and abduction of 224 by Hamas and Palestinian terrorists. Hizb Ut Tahrir even went further by claiming that through destruction of Israel and establishment of “Palestine” the path to establishing Caliphate throughout the Middle East shall begin. During recent pro-Hamas rallies, Hizb Ut Tahrir leaders have openly called for slaughtering Jews and Christians and attack on “non-Muslim” nations.

An internationally acclaimed multi-award-winning anti-militancy journalist, writer, research-scholar, counterterrorism specialist and editor of Blitz. He regularly writes for local and international newspapers on diversified topics, including international relations, politics, diplomacy, security and counterterrorism. Follow him on 'X' @Salah_Shoaib

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