Exposed: How a UN-Affiliated Human Rights Organization is Allegedly Aiding Islamist Forces in Asia

Masud Khan
  • Update Time : Friday, August 25, 2023

In a series of reports where we have exposed the malfunctions of the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), a startling pattern of contradictions and questionable activities has emerged. Far from being defenders of human rights, the heads of the organization are now facing serious allegations and proofs of human rights violations against them. Moreover, the AHRC is also implicated in espionage activities against mainland China while operating in Hong Kong, with allegations that it is working in conjunction with the CIA. An organization that has long claimed to be an integral part of the United Nations and a beacon for human rights is now under scrutiny for actions that starkly contrast with its proclaimed mission. These revelations cast a shadow over the AHRC’s true intentions and activities, raising urgent questions about its credibility, ethics, and the integrity of its leadership.

The Asian Human Rights Commission’s connections extend beyond individual affiliations, implicating the organization in an array of criminal activities, including harboring criminals, drug traffickers, money launderers, and sex offenders, while engaging in covert espionage and backing militancy outfits in various countries.

Allegations of Human Rights Violations Within the Organization

Ironically, an organization that vows to protect human rights is now accused of violating those very rights within its ranks. Reports have emerged detailing numerous allegations against top officials of the AHRC, including Basil Fernando, Nilantha Ilangamuwa, Mohammad Ashrafuzzaman, and Bijo Francis. These allegations range from harassment and discrimination to more severe charges, including sexual misconduct and assault. Victims have come forward with harrowing accounts, accusing these individuals of exploiting their positions of power to engage in inappropriate and predatory behavior. These revelations not only question the integrity and ethics of the organization but also cast a dark shadow over its leadership. The very people entrusted with safeguarding human rights are now implicated in actions that undermine the core values they claim to uphold.

Espionage Activities Against Mainland China

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), operating from Hong Kong, has been implicated in espionage activities against mainland China, allegedly working in conjunction with the CIA. After the British departure from Hong Kong, Western intelligence intensified covert operations in the region, manipulating the Uyghur crisis for geopolitical gain. Mohammad Ashrafuzzaman, linked to human rights activism, has been revealed as a CIA covert agent, managing websites that present themselves as human rights watchdogs but are part of a broader scheme to manipulate political landscapes in Asia.

Ashrafuzzaman’s intricate web of activities includes connections to illegal casino websites suspected of money laundering and alignment with extremist ideologies and global terror networks. His involvement in the 2019–20 Hong Kong protests and secretive meetings with CIA officials highlights his deep connections with espionage networks. His actions during this turbulent period in Hong Kong’s history underscore the global reach of his influence and the multifaceted nature of his operations.

The revelations about AHRC’s involvement in espionage activities and the complex interplay between human rights concerns, international politics, and covert espionage paint a picture of an organization deeply entrenched in international intrigue and political manipulation. The intertwining of human rights advocacy with covert maneuvering underscores the complexity of the situation and raises urgent questions about the AHRC’s true intentions and activities.

Sexual Misconduct

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been embroiled in a series of shocking allegations that reveal a deeply troubling culture within the organization. Mohammad Ashrafuzzaman, a key figure in the AHRC, has been accused of making a fortune through deceitful means, aligning himself with other individuals within the organization who have engaged in similar behavior. The allegations extend to sexual misconduct, with senior members of the AHRC accused of exploiting young women, promising them employment, and engaging in inappropriate relationships.

One of the victims, a young woman originally from Pakistan and now a resident of Canada, was allegedly lured into an internship with promises of a job. She was subjected to a series of sexual offenses by a senior AHRC member, who later abandoned her. This incident, described as an open secret within the organization, raises serious questions about the integrity and ethics of AHRC’s leadership. The victim’s current situation and the impact of these actions on her life remain a haunting testament to the betrayal and exploitation she endured.

Another victim, also originally from Pakistan and an intern at AHRC, was allegedly involved in a sexual relationship with a trusted associate of Mohammad Ashrafuzzaman. Desperate to secure a job within the organization, she was exploited by multiple individuals within AHRC. Her attempts to use these relationships to secure employment were ultimately unsuccessful, leaving her in a vulnerable and compromised position.

These allegations paint a disturbing picture of a culture of manipulation, exploitation, and deceit within the AHRC. Far from upholding the principles of human rights they claim to champion, these individuals have engaged in behavior that undermines the very values they profess to defend. The revelations cast a dark shadow over the AHRC’s true intentions and activities.

AHRC’s Silence on Afghanistan’s Human Rights Violations

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), an organization that professes to champion human rights, has been conspicuously silent on the grave human rights violations occurring in Afghanistan. As the Taliban has regained control, a wave of terror and oppression has swept across the nation. Women, in particular, have been subjected to severe restrictions, with their rights to education, work, and personal freedom being systematically eroded.

The situation in Afghanistan is dire, with the Taliban’s treatment of women and those who differ in their opinions being particularly alarming. Women are being forced back into the shadows, with their access to education and employment severely restricted. Those who dare to speak out or resist the Taliban’s oppressive rules face brutal punishment. The AHRC’s silence on these matters is not only a betrayal of its stated mission but also a failure to stand up for the very principles it claims to uphold.

The AHRC’s lack of action regarding Afghanistan’s human rights crisis is a stark reminder of the complex and often contradictory nature of international human rights advocacy. The plight of Afghan women, the suppression of dissenting voices, and the broader human rights catastrophe unfolding in the country demand urgent attention and action. The AHRC’s failure to address these issues raises serious questions about its credibility, ethics, and the integrity of its leadership.

Silence on Human Rights Crisis in Iran

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has deliberately overlooked the pressing human rights issues in Iran. The mandatory wearing of the hijab, a policy that suppresses women’s rights and personal freedoms, has not been addressed by the AHRC.

Iran’s human rights record is marred by violations, including restrictions on freedom of speech, assembly, and the press. The AHRC’s deliberate overlooking of these matters, including the treatment of political dissidents, journalists, activists, and ethnic and religious minorities, is a glaring omission that undermines its credibility.

The AHRC’s deliberate overlooking of the human rights crisis in Iran is indicative of a broader problem within the organization. While embroiled in its own internal controversies, the AHRC has chosen to ignore the suffering of the Iranian people under an oppressive regime. The mandatory hijab issue, the suppression of dissenting voices, and the broader human rights violations in Iran demand urgent attention and action. The AHRC’s intentional failure to respond to these issues betrays its stated mission.

Silence on Ahmadiyya Muslim issue in Pakistan

The plight of Ahmadiyya Muslims in Pakistan is a deeply troubling and often overlooked human rights crisis. Facing systemic persecution, discrimination, and violence, the Ahmadis are marginalized and targeted for their religious beliefs. Despite the life-threatening situation faced by this community, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has deliberately ignored their suffering.

Ahmadis in Pakistan are subjected to legal discrimination, social ostracization, and violent attacks. Anti-Ahmadi laws have been enacted, prohibiting them from identifying as Muslims or engaging in Islamic practices. This legal framework has emboldened extremists to target Ahmadis with impunity, leading to attacks on their places of worship, homes, and businesses.

The life-threatening crisis faced by Ahmadi Muslims extends beyond physical violence. They are systematically excluded from political participation, educational opportunities, and employment. The state’s endorsement of discrimination against Ahmadis has created an environment where Ahmadis live in constant fear for their lives and the safety of their families.

The AHRC’s deliberate ignoring of the Ahmadiyya issue in Pakistan is indicative of a broader problem within the organization.

A Deafening Silence on Hezbollah

While the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been vocal on various human rights issues across Asia, its silence on Lebanese Hezbollah raises eyebrows and questions about its true stance. Hezbollah, a militant and political organization operating in Lebanon, has been accused of numerous human rights violations, including targeted killings, kidnappings, and sectarian violence. Hezbollah turned Lebanon into a failed state. The international community has expressed concern over these activities, yet the AHRC’s lack of condemnation or even acknowledgment of these issues is conspicuous.

Implications of Inaction: The AHRC’s failure to address or condemn Hezbollah’s actions may be seen as a tacit endorsement or at least a willingness to overlook serious human rights abuses. This silence undermines the AHRC’s credibility as a neutral and principled human rights advocate.

Ignoring Erdogan’s Crackdown on the Press

The Asian Human Rights Commission’s (AHRC) silence on President Erdogan’s repression of the press in Turkey is a glaring omission in its human rights advocacy. Under Erdogan’s regime, Turkey has become one of the world’s leading jailers of journalists, with numerous media outlets shut down and reporters arrested on dubious charges. The lack of condemnation or even acknowledgment from the AHRC is a concerning deviation from its stated mission to uphold and protect human rights.

A Troubling Pattern of Selective Silence: The AHRC’s failure to speak out against Erdogan’s assault on press freedom is part of a troubling pattern of selective silence on critical human rights issues. This omission not only undermines the credibility of the organization but also sends a dangerous message that certain violations may be overlooked or ignored.

AHRC’s Love for Islamists and Extremists

During our investigation into the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), a troubling pattern emerged that calls into question the organization’s true objectives and allegiances. Rather than focusing on genuine human rights concerns, the AHRC appears to target democratic institutions selectively.

Even more alarming is the AHRC’s deliberate ignoring of regions where extremist Islamists are in power. In areas where human rights violations are rampant, and where extremist ideologies suppress individual freedoms, the AHRC’s silence is deafening. This intentional oversight is not an isolated incident but part of a broader pattern that suggests a soft attitude towards these extremist groups.

The AHRC’s inclination towards extremist Islamists and its failure to address their human rights abuses is a betrayal of the very principles it claims to uphold. Whether this soft attitude is a result of ideological alignment, political expediency, or other hidden agendas, it undermines the organization’s credibility and effectiveness as a human rights advocate.

Bangladeshi Political Connection

Recent revelations have exposed a concerning connection between the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) and Shariful Islam, an Associate Professor of Political Science at Dhaka University. Reports indicate that Shariful Islam authored a book published by the AHRC, targeting Bangladesh’s judicial system and law enforcement agencies. The investigation also suggests that Shariful Islam has maintained affiliations with AHRC over an extended period, including engaging in a physical relationship with an intern associated with the organization.

Shariful Islam’s affiliation with the AHRC is particularly alarming given his active membership in the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), an extremist-Islamist party in Bangladesh that has been accused numerous times of terror activities. The AHRC’s association with a member of this party demonstrates a clear inclination towards a specific political agenda.

BNP’s Islamist Rule on Bangaldesh

During the rule of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) in Bangladesh, there were widespread reports of human rights violations, particularly against minority communities such as Hindus and Ahmadi Muslims. According to various news sources, including Human Rights Watch, the BNP’s tenure was marked by systemic discrimination, violence, and persecution against these minority groups. Hindu properties were seized, temples were vandalized, and Ahmadi Muslims faced severe restrictions on their religious practices.

The Asian Human Rights Commission’s (AHRC) connection with an active member of the BNP, as revealed in recent investigations, casts a shadow over its stance on human rights. The AHRC’s association with a party responsible for such egregious human rights violations, coupled with its deliberate overlooking of these issues, paints a picture of an organization that is not only failing to uphold human rights principles but may also be sympathizing with extremist ideologies.

The AHRC’s failure to address or condemn the human rights violations committed during the BNP’s rule reveals a disturbing bias. This selective silence, coupled with its affiliations with BNP members, positions the AHRC as a potential terrorist sympathizer.

AHRC’s Romance with Islamist BNP

Evidence suggests that the AHRC may be actively aiding and abetting Islamist forces in their efforts to gain power in Bangladesh, undermining the country’s democratic institutions and secular values.

The connection with Shariful Islam and the BNP further underscores a disturbing pattern aligning the AHRC with sinister global forces. This alignment, under the guise of human rights advocacy, calls into question the organization’s true motives.

The AHRC’s selective focus on certain human rights issues, coupled with its deliberate overlooking of violations committed by Islamist groups, paints a picture of an organization that is not only biased but may also be working to further the agenda of extremist forces. By failing to condemn the human rights abuses committed by Islamist groups and maintaining connections with members of the BNP, the AHRC appears to be aligning itself with forces that threaten the stability and democratic fabric of Bangladesh.

This alignment with extremist-Islamist elements calls into question the AHRC’s credibility as a human rights advocate and reveals a pernicious agenda that threatens not only Bangladesh’s stability but also regional and global security. The AHRC’s apparent support for Islamist forces in Bangladesh demands immediate attention and a thorough reevaluation of its role in the global human rights landscape.

The revelations about the AHRC’s internal misconduct and espionage activities are a stark reminder that appearances can be deceiving. It is a call to action for governments, international bodies, and the public to remain vigilant and critical of those who claim to champion human rights.

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