Growing influence of Al Qaeda and ISIS poses significant challenge to Bangladesh and India


The rise of extremist ideologies and the spread of terror networks like Al Qaeda and the Islamic State (ISIS) have become a grave concern for the global community. Among the countries facing the brunt of their expanding influence are Bangladesh and India. Situated in South Asia, these two nations have historically been subject to various security challenges. In recent years, the growing presence of Al Qaeda and ISIS in the region has intensified the security threats, prompting both countries to devise robust counterterrorism strategies.

Both Bangladesh and India have experienced the infiltration of Al Qaeda and ISIS sympathizers, leading to a surge in terrorist activities. Although these groups have different ideologies and objectives, they share a common goal of establishing a caliphate governed by their extremist interpretation of Islam. Bangladesh’s geographical location and porous borders make it susceptible to being used as a transit point for the movement of terrorist operatives and the dissemination of radical ideologies.

Bangladesh witnessed a significant escalation in extremist activities since 2013 when the banned Islamist group Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) resurfaced with renewed vigor. JMB’s affiliation with Al Qaeda has played a pivotal role in attracting more followers to their violent cause. Similarly, India has also seen instances of radicalization and recruitment by ISIS sympathizers, particularly among disaffected youth in certain regions.

Several factors contribute to the growing influence of Al Qaeda and ISIS in Bangladesh and India:

Socio-economic disparities

Widespread poverty, unemployment, and social inequalities create fertile ground for extremist ideologies to take root, promising an alternative sense of purpose and empowerment.

Online radicalization

The advent of the internet and social media platforms has facilitated the spread of extremist propaganda, enabling the rapid radicalization of vulnerable individuals.

Proximity to conflict zones

Bangladesh and certain parts of India share borders with countries experiencing ongoing conflicts, allowing terrorist groups to exploit cross-border linkages and infiltrate into these regions.

Weak border control

Insufficient monitoring and porous borders provide terrorist organizations with opportunities to cross borders discreetly and execute their malevolent plans.

The growing influence of Al Qaeda and ISIS poses multifaceted challenges to Bangladesh and India:

Terrorism and security threats

The foremost challenge is the direct threat posed to public safety and security. The increasing frequency of terror attacks demands enhanced intelligence gathering and inter-agency coordination.


Preventing the radicalization of vulnerable individuals is critical. Both nations need to invest in counter-radicalization programs, emphasizing education, community engagement, and de-radicalization initiatives.

International collaboration

As terrorism knows no borders, fostering strong regional and international cooperation is essential to exchange information, intelligence, and best practices in counterterrorism efforts.

Border management

Improving border security through advanced surveillance technologies, joint patrolling, and intelligence sharing can help deter the infiltration of terrorist elements.

Counterterrorism measures

Bangladesh and India have recognized the gravity of the threat and have taken significant steps to counter the growing influence of Al Qaeda and ISIS.

Intelligence Sharing: Both countries have improved intelligence sharing to pre-empt potential attacks and dismantle terrorist networks.

Legal frameworks

Strengthening legal frameworks related to counterterrorism has facilitated the prosecution of terrorists and their sympathizers.

Enhanced border security

Steps have been taken to reinforce border security and improve coordination between security forces of neighboring countries.

Community engagement

Engaging local communities and religious leaders to promote moderate interpretations of Islam and counter extremist narratives has become a crucial aspect of their counterterrorism strategies.

Cyber surveillance

Monitoring online activities and cracking down on social media channels disseminating extremist content has been prioritized.

The growing influence of Al Qaeda and ISIS in Bangladesh and India presents a significant challenge to both nations’ security and stability. The menace of terrorism calls for a united and multi-pronged approach involving robust intelligence sharing, border management, community engagement, and international cooperation. By addressing the root causes of extremism and fostering an environment of inclusivity and religious tolerance, Bangladesh and India can effectively counter the spread of radical ideologies and safeguard their citizens from the threat of terrorism.


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