surya gochar 2023 in kark rashi on 17 july surya rashi parivartan impact on all zodiac signs mesh singh tula kumbh meen daily horoscope sry


Surya Gochar July 2023: Sun is transiting in Cancer. Sun’s transit affects human life and environment as well. In astrology, the transit of Sun has a negative effect on many zodiac signs. The same positive effect will be seen on many zodiac signs, and the change of Sun’s zodiac sign has a lot of effect on the Indian monsoon. The world is born from the Sun. Sun is the eternal God in all its form. His color is red, his vehicle is a chariot, he is the lord of Leo zodiac, his Mahadasha lasts for six years. His temperature remains high. In common parlance, Sun is also called dynamic. The Sun has got the position of king in the solar system due to being more powerful than all the other planets. When the sun is exalted in the horoscope, the person becomes a high authority. The idea of ​​government through Sun Sun gives respect, respect, health, wealth rights. Sun is bright, shows kindness to the poor and makes life great. If the Sun transits in Cancer, there will be a rise in the market price because the Moon Sun is a sign of water element, whereas Sun is a sign of fire element. Their nature is very fierce. From this day, Sun remains in Dakshinayan for six months. Which is called night for the deities. Sun will rise again on the day of Makar Rashi Sankranti.


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