Bharatiya Janata Party’s Bihar State President Samrat Chaudhary said on Thursday that the BJP will celebrate Friday as Black Day in protest against the lathicharge on BJP leaders and workers in Patna. Along with this, BJP leaders and workers will also burn effigies of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav. After this, on Saturday, tribute will be paid to BJP’s late brave friend Vijay Kumar Singh by protesting against the Bihar government in all the districts and mandals of the state. During the press conference in the state office, the state president announced the adoption of the family members of the deceased Vijay Kumar Singh as well as a support of ten lakh rupees to them.
Questions will be raised in both houses, information will be given to the Governor
Samrat Chaudhary said that Jungle Raj originated in Bihar at the time of Lalu Prasad and today again due to the alliance of Nitish Kumar and Tejashwi Yadav, the situation of Jungle Raj has taken place. Vijay Singh was killed because of him. If the Governor comes to Bihar on Friday, a delegation will be found after seeking time from him and will give complete information about today’s incident. Along with this, tomorrow in the assembly and the legislature, the government will be asked for an answer as to why lathis were fired on the peaceful protest?
Some got 12 stitches, some got 15.
The state president said that despite having Y category security, MP Janardan Singh Sigriwal was chased and beaten up. He is currently getting his treatment done by getting admitted in the hospital. At the same time, Meena Jha, a female activist, also got a head injury. Lathis were also used on us, Vijay Sinha, Tarkishore Prasad and Kedar Gupta. Thousands of workers were beaten up. Some got 12 stitches, while some got 15 stitches. He said that the Chief Minister does not even have the courage to seek the resignation of his chargesheeted Deputy Chief Minister.
Worker’s death will have to be paid: Leader of Opposition Vijay Sinha
Leader of Opposition in the Assembly Vijay Sinha said that there is no Janata Raj in Bihar, it is Gunda Raj. These people killed our worker by lathi charge. They will have to pay the price for this. He said that every effort is being made to suppress the voice of the opposition from inside the House to outside the House. The fight will continue until this government is removed from power. Tarkishore Prasad, Ramkripal Yadav, Sanjay Mayukh, Arvind Singh, Ashok Bhatt were present on the occasion.
Patna High Court orders to issue arrest warrant against KK Pathak, know what is the matter
Lathicharge and tear gas on BJP leaders and workers
Let us tell you that on Thursday, the BJP’s assembly march organized in the capital Patna on the other demands related to teachers including teacher appointment and Bihar government’s promise of one million jobs was quite uproar. To stop the BJP leaders and workers who were trying to go to the assembly from Gandhi Maidan, the police lathi-charged at Dakbungalow intersection and also released water cannons and tear gas shells. According to BJP leaders, Jehanabad District General Secretary Vijay Kumar Singh was killed in the lathicharge, while more than two dozen people were badly injured. The injured are being treated in PMCH, Rajvanshi Nagar, Gardiner Road Hospital and other private hospitals. Here, in protest against the lathi charge, the leader of the opposition in the Vidhan Sabha, Vijay Kumar Sinha along with the party MLAs sat on a dharna in the Legislature premises.
Vijay had fallen near Chhajjubagh
Regarding the death of District General Secretary of Jehanabad, Vijay Kumar Singh, the district administration told that he was found unconscious near Chhajjubagh. BJP leaders admitted him to PMCH, where he died after half an hour of treatment. PMCH Superintendent Dr IS Thakur confirmed this. The administration said that no injury marks were found on the body of the deceased. Here, an eyewitness to the death of Vijay Kumar, Bharat Prasad Chandravanshi of Nizamuddinpur, Jehanabad, said that there was a stampede in the crowd even before going on the march. During this, Vijay may have got hurt in his head while falling. We took him to Tara Nursing Home. But there was no movement in the body. Then he was taken to PMCH, where he died. On the other hand, late evening Vijay Singh’s body was taken to the BJP office.