Sawan Monday 2023: The month of Sawan has arrived, which is also known as Shravan or Sawan. This is considered an auspicious time for Hindus. Devotees worship Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati during the entire month of Sawan. This year it is extra auspicious because after a long gap of 19 years, Shravan will last for two months due to the extra Shravan month. Sawan will be of 59 days and eight Sawan Somwars or Mondays will be celebrated instead of four. Which started on 4th July (Tuesday) and will end on 31st August (Thursday). Meanwhile, Sawan Somvar Vrat will start from July 10. The last Sawan Monday fast will be observed on 28 August.
when is monday
July 10, 2023 (Monday): First Sawan Somvar Vrat
July 17, 2023 (Monday): Second Sawan Somvar Vrat
24 July 2023 (Monday): Third Sawan Somvar Vrat
July 31, 2023 (Monday): Fourth Sawan Somvar Vrat
August 7, 2023 (Monday): Fifth Sawan Somvar Vrat
August 14, 2023 (Monday): Sixth Sawan Somvar Vrat
August 21, 2023 (Monday): Seventh Sawan Somvar Vrat
August 28, 2023 (Monday): Eighth Sawan Somvar Vrat
Sawan Monday Puja Method and Ingredients
Devotees of Lord Shiva keep fast on Sawan Somvar by consuming only fruits and water. They can also consume dry fruits, nuts, sago, water chestnut flour, bottle gourd, potato, sweet potato, milk, paneer and ghee. Mixture of milk, curd, ghee, gangajal and honey – is offered with bilva/bail leaves. Worshipers also wear Rudraksh Mala and recite the Shravan Somvar Vrat Katha on every Monday. Devotees are advised to wake up during Brahma Muhurta, clean the house to get rid of impurities and sprinkle Gangajal around the house on the day of fasting. Sawan Somvar ingredients include water, curd, milk, sugar, ghee, honey, panchamrit, cloth, janeu, sandalwood, raw rice, flowers, bel patra/leaves, hemp, dhatura, kamal gatta, prasad, betel nut, cloves, cardamom Are. Apart from this, turmeric, ketaki flower and basil leaves are prohibited in the worship of Lord Shiva.
Sawan First Somwar 2023 Live Updates: Please Lord Shiva on the first Monday of Sawan, details including worship method
sawan somvar mantra
Devotees of Lord Shiva should chant Om Namah Shivay and Mahamrityunjaya Mantra during Sawan Monday Puja. Also, on this auspicious day, perform Shiva Aarti in temples and in your homes.
Sawan Monday auspicious time
According to the Drik Panchang, the monthly Sawan Shivratri falls on the Chaturdashi date of Krishna Paksha – 15th July. It will start on 15th July at 8:32 PM and end on 16th July at 10:08 PM. The time of Nishita Kaal Puja will start at 12:07 am and end at 12:48 am on 16th July.