Gorakhpur: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday flagged off Vande Bharat, a semi-high speed train running from Gorakhpur to Ayodhya, Lucknow. He also laid the foundation stone of the redevelopment project of Gorakhpur Railway Station. Apart from this, the Jodhpur-Ahmedabad (Sabarmati) Vande Bharat Express was virtually flagged off. Governor Anandi Ben Patel and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath were also present with him.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached Gorakhpur railway station after attending the closing ceremony of the centenary year of Gita Press. With coming to platform number one, Vande standing there went to a bogie of India. View the features available. Interacted with the children already sitting in the bogie. Best wishes to the crew members. He got down from the train after taking stock of the engine.
The Prime Minister laid the foundation stone of the project by pressing the remote button after observing the model of Gorakhpur Junction station redevelopment project placed on platform number one. After this, he virtually inaugurated the Jodhpur-Ahmedabad Vande Bharat. After this, the Prime Minister flagged off the Gorakhpur-Lucknow Vande Bharat Express in the presence of Governor Anandi Ben Patel and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. On this occasion, MP Ravikishan, Chairman Railway Board Anil Lohati, General Manager of North Eastern Railway Chandraveer Raman were also present.