Aligarh. In UP’s Aligarh, Bajrang Dal workers gheraoed the police station Sasni Gate and staged a halla bol demonstration on Thursday. During this, slogans of Har Har Mahadev, Jai Shri Ram were raised in the police station. In fact, Bajrang Dal workers protested fiercely against the police inside the police station due to negligence in law and order. At the same time, as soon as the information about the siege of the police station was received, a heavy police force reached the spot. During this, the police officers were busy in pacifying the Bajrang Dal workers.
surrounded the police station
Bajrang Dal convenor Bharat Goswami said that the police did not take any action in the 4 cases registered in the last 2 months. In which the police kept sitting hand in hand in the case of murderous attack, love jihad and murderous attack on a Hindu person by Muslims. Bharat Goswami alleged that in one case, a case was registered under weaker sections by changing the Tahrir from the victim to another Tahrir. In which no action was taken by the police. At the same time, a Hindu woman was gang-raped by two Muslim boys after feeding them intoxicants.
Police arrested an accused
In this case, the police arrested an accused. At the same time, the second accused is still absconding. There is a lot of resentment among the people about such working style of the police. Due to this, police station Sasni Gate was surrounded. During this, Bajrang Dal workers raised slogans. Bharat Goswami told that the police station was forced to lay siege to Sasni Gate. He told that in the cases registered, the attitude of the police has been adopted.
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Officers engaged in pacifying Bajrang Dal workers
During this, jurisdictional officer Pratham Abhay Kumar reached the spot and assured the Bajrang Dal workers that whatever lawsuits are going on. Taking them into consideration, appropriate action will be taken. Jurisdictional officer Abhay Kumar told that action is going on in the related cases.
Report- Alok, Aligarh