Chandil (Seraikela), Himanshu Gop. Jharkhand bandh was effective in Chandil of Seraikela-Kharsawan district. A long queue of small and big vehicles started at Tata Ranchi main road number NH-33 Chandil roundabout. At the same time, bandh supporters protested by burning tires on NH-33. Bandh supporters said that we have demanded from the Jharkhand government regarding Olchiki language that printing and reading of books should start in Jharkhand state with Olchiki script of Santali language. Santali teachers should be reinstated, Santali language will have to be given the status of first state language, Santali Academy will have to be formed separately, such demands are included.
Hit the road with traditional clothes and equipment
With their demands Santali came on the road with traditional tools. On this occasion, Olchiki Hul Baisi Seraikela District President Dr. Arjun Tudu, student leaders Sudama Hembram, Gopal Mardi, Gopal Tudu, Anima Tudu, Lakhan Murmu, Lakhan Murmu, Dinesh Soren, Sujan Kisku, Ratan Mardi, Narendra Hansda, Sumit Tudu, Phagun Mardi, Sumit Mardi, Mangal Hansda etc. were present in large numbers with their traditional costumes and traditional instruments and equipment.
Two died in a horrific road accident in Barsol, angry villagers blocked the road, see Photos