National President of Lok Janshakti Party Ram Vilas, co-MP Chirag Paswan, who reached Siwan on Monday, has met former Lok Sabha candidate Hena Saheb, wife of late former MP Mohammad Shahabuddin. Political points have been discussed during the meeting of both. Since its meeting, speculation has intensified in the political circles. Both the leaders have also held talks for a few minutes in a closed room. MP Chirag Paswan first welcomed him by giving bouquets on reaching his city residence.
Osama congratulated Chirag
Let us tell that Chirag Paswan was welcomed by Osama Shahab after coming out at his residence. Chirag Paswan and Osama Shahab greeted each other with a hug. MP Chirag Paswan said that this is not a political meeting. This is a personal meeting. He said that he could not attend the wedding of Heena Shahab’s daughter. That’s why they have now come to meet. National Vice President Dr. Arun Kumar, Renu Kushwaha, State President of LJP Ram Vilas Raju Tiwari, Principal General Secretary Sanjay Paswan, District President Mahadev Paswan, Imam Gajali, Awadhesh Kushwaha etc were present on the occasion.
Chirag was warmly welcomed under the leadership of LJP district president
At the same time, before reaching Siwan, LJP Ram Vilas national president Chirag Paswan was welcomed by party leaders with flower garlands under the leadership of district president Mahadev Paswan. During this time archway gates were made at various places. Where the workers were present with band instruments. District Vice President Monu Gupta, Munna Manjhi, Dharmendra Paswan, Rajeev Ranjan Singh, Khushi Gupta are included in the reception. Here, under the leadership of the district president of Lok Sevak Ram Vilas Paswan Smriti Manch, Awadhesh Kushwaha, the people of the organization have strongly welcomed him.
Lalu said on the release of a book based on the life of Nitish – will not let Bihar move, BJP will be wiped out t)chirag paswan