Bihar Crime News: In Muzaffarpur’s Bochaha, a seventh class child was brought to the police station for questioning by the police. It is being told that in Maharashtra, Samajwadi Party MLA cum former Rajya Sabha MP Abu Azmi had received death threats. In this case, Maharashtra’s Colaba police raided the Turkish village of Bochahan. From where the accused was brought to the police station for questioning. The big thing is that the accused of threatening is a student of class VII. His family does tailoring work in Ahmedabad. Presently he has come to the village with his family to celebrate the festival.
Inquiry is being done on the basis of checking the mobile number: Police
The Bochahan police said that in the past, Abu Azmi was threatened with death through WhatsApp messages and calls. The accused had said to kill within three days. After this, Abu Azmi tweeted about this and demanded action from the Mumbai Police. FIR was registered in Colaba police station. The mobile number from which the threat was called was found to be of Bochahan police station area of Muzaffarpur district. Abu Azmah is the MLA from Mankhurd Shivaji Nagar, Maharashtra. Let us tell you that in the month of January also, Abu Azmi had received death threats. Then Samajwadi Party’s Maharashtra chief Abu Azmi gave a statement in support of Aurangzeb.
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what is the whole matter
Abu Asim Azmi is a Samajwadi Party (SP) MLA and the party’s Maharashtra unit president. He had received death threats on 27 June. He had received this threat through WhatsApp on his mobile. A photo was sent to the MLA in the message. Apart from his photo in the picture, a blood stained knife and pistol were also made. Azmi has been shown on target through the photo. The threatening had claimed to kill him within three days. A written complaint was made by him regarding this. In this case, the police has conducted an investigation and raided.