A special checking campaign was conducted on Wednesday against traffic rule breakers in Patna. A fine of Rs 10 lakh was collected from a total of 6044 people in the campaign. According to the information received, ICCC cameras operated by Smart City are keeping a close watch on those who break the rules. In which a total of 981 people have been fined for violating the rules. Every day the owner of the vehicle is getting the information about the automatic challan through a message on his registered mobile number. A link is also given in this message where the picture is also included breaking the rules.
Cameras are installed at these places
Various places of Patna like- JP Golambar, Dak Bungalow, Bakarganj Tiraha, Buddha Colony, Income Tax, Exhibition Road, Bhattacharya Road, DC Entry, Civilization Gate, LCT Ghat, PHC Makhdumpur and Atal Path Golambar and other major square intersections were also monitored. Is going and the challan is being deducted. It is to be known that Rs 5,000 for red light crossing, Rs 2,000 for over speed, Rs 1,000 for no helmet, Rs 5,000 for wrong way and Rs 1,000 for triple riding.
Maximum fine deducted for no helmet
According to the information received, 3300 people were identified in the case of no helmet. At the same time, 968 people have been challaned after verifying by the police. On the other hand, 180 people have been marked for wrong-way and a message has been sent on their mobiles. A total of 101 people have been marked for triple riding and 13 people have been verified by the police and challaned. At the same time, 2463 people were identified in the case of red light crossing. A total of 6044 persons have been identified and 981 people have been verified by the police and challans have been issued.
Whole day raid on NH 27 in Bihar, more than 40 trucks carrying sand and ballast seized, fine of 1.5 crore(youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkybMUYQcM4)