West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s helicopter got stuck in bad weather while returning from Jalpaiguri to Bagdogra airport in North Bengal. During the emergency landing, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee suffered injuries on her left knee ligament and left hip joint, due to which she was taken to SSKM Hospital. At present his condition is improving. Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee herself informed the public about this by tweeting on Thursday. He wrote that it was only because of the prayers and love of the public that I got well so quickly. Due to injury, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee could not attend the Eid prayer on Thursday morning. However, he congratulated everyone on Eid through social media.
He is being looked after by a team of doctors including a physiotherapist.
A team of doctors, including the Chief Minister’s physiotherapist, is looking after him. The physiotherapist examined his physical condition and a physiotherapy session was given for about two hours. The doctors have advised him to continue the medicine and then take rest. It was told that the physiotherapy session would continue further.
Mamta Banerjee will roar in Birbhum on July 3, Panchayat elections on July 8
Chief Minister has to campaign in many districts in the next month
It is worth mentioning that whether the Chief Minister will be able to hold the Panchayat elections in such a situation as the Chief Minister has injured his legs, it has not been decided yet. The Chief Minister has a program of campaigning in many districts including Birbhum next week. However, earlier during the assembly elections also, his leg was injured and he campaigned sitting on a wheelchair. Is something similar going to happen this time too? There is no information about this till now. However, the condition of the Chief Minister is currently improving.
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