Surat: Pimp and spa manager arrested for forcibly making Bangladeshi girl a sex worker

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  • Update Time : Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The Kapodra police in Surat have arrested the tout who first raped the girl and the spa operator who raped the girl in connection with the case of illegally crossing the border and pushing her into prostitution in Gujarat. When the police confirmed the age of the victim, it was found that she is a 16-year-old girl. Recently, a case of a Bangladeshi girl being trapped in a love trap from Kapodra and illegally crossing the border and taking her to Gujarat for prostitution came to the fore.

After age verification, it was revealed to be a 16-year-old girl.

Although the incident of rape of Bangladeshi girl took place in Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar, Kapodra police under the guidance of senior officers registered a case against Jamal and Sonia and started investigation. Age verification revealed that she is a 16 year old girl. The police conducted a medical examination of the girl at the Smear Hospital to ascertain her age and rape. Kapodra police arrested the woman pimp Sonia from Adajan who brought the girl to Surat for prostitution and sent a team to Ahmedabad for questioning.

rapist spa operator arrested

After Taruni reached Ahmedabad station, they arrested her pimps Jamal, Fazul Mandal and rapist Arvind Amartbhai Parekh, the spa operator who forced her into prostitution, while Jamal was keeping her in a hotel in Gandhinagar. On questioning him, it was revealed that Jamal is also originally from Bangladesh and has been living in Ahmedabad for the last three and a half years. Police also got Aadhaar card from him and added section against him. Shoaib, who lured the girl, used to send the girl to Jamal and Jamal raped her and then handed her over to a spa for prostitution.

Wanted to push the girl into sex worker business

It is learned that Jamal has supplied three girls in this manner in this month itself. The girl was dropped at Maninagar railway station in Ahmedabad and Jamal took her there and said that you will have to work as a sex worker here. When the victim told Jamal that she did not want to do such a thing and wanted to go to her hometown, Jamal retaliated and tried to force her into prostitution. The victim met a woman after escaping from Jamal’s possession. On getting acquainted with a woman named Sonia from Surat, she brought her to Surat. This Sonia was also trying to push the victim into the business of sex worker.

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