Palestinian treachery will be their downfall


Just last week we witnessed the Chinese Government and her leader Xi Jinping host the Palestinian President Abbas in Beijing.

From a public relation view the Chinese achieved their objective further cementing relationships in their efforts to enhance their economic and diplomatic agendas. The Palestinian objective was unclear and muddled highlighted by the discomfort Abbas was experiencing in the photo shoots. The duplicity that Palestinians have for their fellow Muslims was once again exposed. Such duplicity and treachery have been a constant during the short history of the Palestinian origination.  Abbas’s decision to direct the Palestinian nose up the Chinese posterior reinforces typical Palestinian duplicity and insults Islamic unity which the Palestinians have attempted to use as a weapon against the Jewish State of Israel.

Recent history exposes Palestinian contempt for their Muslims brothers and will be of comfort to President Xi. The Palestinians have done to others what they demand others do not do to themselves. The nauseating hypocrisy of the Palestinians exposes their cowardice, duplicity and treachery which has defined the Palestinians since their creation in the 1960’s.

However, this would not be the first time in their short history that the Palestinians, supported financially and militarily by countries hostile to Islam have acted treacherously. The first time was appropriately called Black September between September 1970 and July 1971. Yasser Arafat and his Palestinian forces supported by the Soviets (at the time committing atrocities against Muslim Chechens) tried to overthrow the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan lead by King Hussein. The Soviets had created and funded the Palestinians and were sufficiently confident to overthrow the west leaning Hashemites who stupidly had welcomed, housed and fed the Palestinians and promoted their ‘cause’.

Paradoxically, the Palestinian Charter of 1964 , Article 24 stated – “This Organization does not exercise any territorial sovereignty over the West Bank in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan , or the Gaza Strip or the Himmah Area”. They lied and six years later reneged on their charters in an attempted military coup and occupation of Jordan their benefactors.

The Jordanian hospitality was rewarded by Palestinian treachery with the attempted coup but the Jordanians had a trick up their sleeve.

They called upon friends in Pakistan to supply elite Pakistani troops lead by an ambitious and competent army Brigadier, Muhammad Zia -al -Haq, later to become President of Pakistan, and together they totally annihilated the Palestinians. It is estimated that Palestinian losses in this conflict surpassed all Palestinian losses during all other conflicts with Israel combined. Palestinian deaths were estimated up to 25,000. The Soviets were furious, the Americans and Israelis delighted and the Jordanians relieved.

Palestinians were forced out to Syria, Lebanon and Tunisia to regroup under Soviet command.

So after being created in 1963, the Palestinians first attempted to overthrow a friendly Muslim Government, Jordan, in 1970.

It did not take long for the Palestinians to try their luck again. In 1976 they thought that the Republic of Lebanon, a government half Christian, half Muslim as directed by the Lebanese constitution would be an easy target especially as the Palestinian population in Lebanon had risen substantially since their defeat and removal by Jordan.

I have written several articles on this period of the Lebanese civil war and the role of the Palestinians. To say that the Palestinians behaved in a manner best described as following Nazi principles would be an understatement. The Palestinian massacre of Lebanese Christian women and children at Damour in 1976, runs parallel with any atrocity in history. The moral indecency of the Palestinian butchers, slaughtering children in front of their parents; ripping unborn babies from the wombs of their mothers and casual beheadings further exposed the Palestinians as the human excrement they were and still are. It sickens me to continue and readers can do their own research. Like the Jordanians the Lebanese, without external assistance however, managed to repel the Palestinian attempts to overthrow the Lebanese government. The second Palestinian attempt within six years to overthrow an elected friendly Government was once again foiled. Thus, created in 1962, by 1976 the treacherous Palestinians had tried and failed twice to overthrow elected, and perversely, friendly Governments.

Lebanon today is trying to form a government. A country once the jewel of the Middle East now torn apart by inter religious rivalry exacerbated by the Palestinian presence. The Lebanese hate the Palestinians and their hatred, understandably will be eternal. Let us repeat – two attempts at Palestinian military usurpation to friendly governments and both defeated. And then a third try.

The old President Assad of Syria hated Yasser Arafat, leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization as many commentators and political analysts noted during their parallel years of power. Both however took their cue from the Soviets who demanded unity on the world stage.  Move forward to current times and we see that Syria, under Assad’s son has lost most of its territory to a variety of militant groups, over half a million Syrian dead in seven years of internal conflict; two million Syrians living in refugee camps and over five thousand Palestinians killed and ten thousand rotting in Syrian jails.

Again, we see in a rather complex situation the Palestinians backing the wrong horse. The Palestinians incorrectly thought that Syria would totally fall under onslaught from various militias opposed to Basher al – Assad and his Ba’athist minority. Although Syria has been devastated, economically, militarily, demographically and diplomatically, the Government retains power with the assistance of Russia and Iran. Unfortunately for the Palestinians who supported the anti-Syrian Government militias, they paid a heavy price in losses. Five thousand Palestinians killed and double that number rotting in Syrian prisons according to Syrian monitoring groups. It seems that Syria will not crumble although it will take decades for the country to recover even if the civil strife ends now and there is no sign yet of it doing so. One thing is for certain the Palestinian treachery has been noted and the President of Syria, should he survive will forever be hostile like his father, to the Palestinians.

History repeating itself. Palestinian duplicity and treachery ending in failure. Thrice in in fifty years and aimed at Muslim countries who had all been supportive of their objectives.

Apart from Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, the Palestinians via the Muslim Brotherhood attempted to create havoc in Egypt. This resulted in a war between Hamas and Fatah resulting in five thousand Palestinian deaths in 2007.

For reasons I truly do not understand the global mainstream media all but ignored the Palestinian attempts to overthrow the Governments of these three countries. Mainstream media also ignored the Palestinian atrocities and deaths inflicted on all warring factions and the diplomatic consequences of their actions. Despite all this the Palestinian Israel conflict commands more attention in the United Nations and global news than any other conflict. Enemies of the Jewish State ignore the Palestinian atrocities, their attempts at overthrowing Governments, the refugees caused by their military interventions, the havoc brought by them on the innocent and most of all their treachery.

It seems that the Palestinians have for years been protected by those hostiles to Israel and to Jews. This may continue but many of those who perhaps were once supporters and sympathizers of the Palestinians are now apathetic. The Palestinians are losing the dominant Arab Muslim support they once enjoyed. This is highlighted by the normalization of relationships by Muslim countries with Israel – Egypt, Jordan, the UAE, Bahrain, Chad and Morocco and more on the horizon.

Moreover, the Palestinians by their previous and current treachery mock their own charter of 1968 which in at least seven articles espouses that Arab Islamic unity is an essential weapon in exterminating the Jewish State. It would appear that the Palestinians since their creation have done all and everything to undermine their own charter.

Palestinians are paying a price for their duplicity and treachery and the world of Islam has taken note. In my last article I exposed how the Palestinians and their two Charters of 1968 and 1988 both mock the Quran, Allah and Mohammed and they will forever be cursed for this anti-Islamic agenda. Their political and military agendas will exacerbate the severity of their demise undoubtedly given the treacherous nature of all their leaders since being created.


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