Emergency was against constitutional values: PM


New Delhi, 25 June (Hindustan Times). Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that the dark days of democracy were completely opposite to the values ​​that our Constitution celebrates. The Prime Minister tweeted today on the anniversary of the imposition of Emergency – “I pay tribute to all the courageous people who resisted the Emergency and worked to strengthen our democratic spirit. The dark days of Emergency are an unforgettable period in our history, completely opposite to the values ​​celebrated by our Constitution.

It is worth mentioning that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his monthly radio program ‘Mann Ki Baat’ last Sunday, referring to the torture given to political prisoners during the Emergency, said that in the golden age of independence, we should remember these crimes against democracy. .

Prime Minister Modi had said in the 102nd episode of Mann Ki Baat that India is the mother of democracy. We consider our democratic ideals and constitution as paramount. In such a situation, we can never forget 25th June. This is the same day when emergency was imposed on our country. It was a dark period in the history of India. Lakhs of people strongly opposed the Emergency. Supporters of democracy were tortured during that time. So many tortures were given that even today the mind shivers.

He had said that many books have been written on these atrocities. He himself also got a chance to write a book. A few days ago he saw such a book ‘Torture of Political Prisoners in India’. The book describes how the then government was brutalizing the guardians of democracy during the Emergency. Knowing about this, it will be easier for today’s young generation to understand the meaning and importance of democracy.


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