international yoga day 2023 surya namaskar has many benefits beneficial even in diabetes watch video tv


International Yoga Day 2023: Surya Namaskar is such a practice of yoga, which benefits the whole body. After doing this asana, there is no need to do any other asana. This gives relief from many diseases. The muscles and arteries of the body become active. This asana benefits the patients suffering from diabetes. Yoga expert Anita Kumari is telling the right way and benefits of doing Surya Namaskar. Watch video.

Method of Asana: Stand with folded hands and raise the arms straight and take them behind the waist towards the shoulders. After this, while bending down, both the hands have to touch the ground near the feet. Bringing both the hands near the shoulder, one leg has to be taken back. After this the head, both palms, chest, knees and thumb should be in the posture of touching the ground. The butt should be slightly raised while taking the curve. Raise the upper part of the body and the head. Keeping the hands near the chest, the other legs have to be taken back. At the end, while coming in the position of Namaskar, return to the starting position.

Benefits of doing Surya Namaskar:

Surya Namaskar benefits the whole body.

By doing Surya Namaskar one gets relief from many diseases.

The muscles and arteries of the body become active.

Surya Namaskar is beneficial for diabetes patients.

Digestive system is better.

Abdominal fat decreases.

Helpful in removing anxiety and tension from the mind.

Surya Namaskar develops intuition.


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