There has been a demand for an airport in Bhagalpur for a long time. For this, ranging from running hashtags on Twitter to picketing. But so far no positive initiative has been seen on the demand of this airport. Several requests were made to the Central Government on behalf of the local public representatives regarding this, but the result remained zero. On the other hand, when BJP leaders Nishikant Dubey and Shahnawaz Hussain reached the city on Thursday and interacted with the media, the airport issue again heated up. Both the leaders gave their reaction on this.
BJP veteran spoke openly at the airport in Bhagalpur
Common people have been demanding an airport in Bhagalpur. There was a lot of politics on this for a long time. It has often been shown by the people’s representatives that they are trying for this. Sometimes there was talk of the airport and sometimes many people’s representatives have been showing their efforts to the public regarding the demand of flying small planes from the present airport. Meanwhile, Bhagalpur resident Godda MP Nishikant Dubey and former Bhagalpur MP Shahnawaz Hussain kept their point in front of the media on the airport issue.
Nishikant Dubey said about the old airport
Godda MP Nishikant Dubey said that the airplane cannot fly from the present airport under any condition. The second option is Green Field Airport near Bhagalpur but for this the state government will have to give land. He said that doing politics on the land of the present airport is of no use. Because a large population has settled around here and no government will move towards building an airport by demolishing thousands of houses.
Nishikant Dubey and Shahnawaz Hussain in Bhagalpur preparing to build an underground market on the lines of Delhi’s Palika Bazar in Bhagalpur, help will be sought from the Center
Godda MP told the way..
Godda’s MP said that the land of All India Radio in Aliganj can be exchanged with the existing airport. By acquiring some more land, an airport can be built on that land of All India Radio. While there is land in Goradih also, a proposal can be sent for that too by raising it slightly. But for this initiative will have to be taken by the state government. Land has to be fixed. Only after that the Center considers it further. He said that if the four-kilometer area near the forelane in the Mahagama-Ekchari area is found together, then the fighter plane can land there.
Shahnawaz Hussain made this demand.
On the other hand, former MP and currently MLC of Bihar Shahnawaz Hussain said that he demands CM Nitish Kumar to take initiative to build airports in all divisions of Bihar like the UP model. He said that it is not possible to fly even a small plane bigger than the old airport.
Published By: Thakur Shaktilochan