In Farbisganj city, police arrested six members of his gang including MP’s bridegroom, who lured innocent people into their trap and got married by seducing a minor, due to the understanding of parents and enlightened people of the society. It is told that after reaching the house of a poor person living in a ward of the city, taking advantage of his poverty, he was first giving various kinds of allurements to the father of the minor girl to marry his minor daughter, and his minor The daughter was also being coaxed, only then the parents of the minor informed the people of the society around them and the police.
Father lodged FIR
Due to the presence of mind of the parents of the minor and the people of the society, all the members of the gang including the bridegroom of the MP were caught by the police. According to police sources, the arrested people include Rajesh Kumar Sah alias Bajrangi Sah, Prahlad Kumar, Rohit Kumar, Fardumm, Toofan Rawat. It is said that the aggrieved father of the minor girl filed an application in the local police station and filed an FIR making all the above arrested people accused.
Vikas Kumar of Farbisganj had hatched a conspiracy to marry a minor
In the registered FIR, the victim’s father has said that on May 20, the accused Rajesh Kumar Sah alias Bajrangi Sah came and said that you get your daughter married to one of my friends, 30-year-old Prahlad Kumar. The victim has further stated in the registered FIR that when she talked about her daughter being a minor and not getting married, on the second day again Rajesh Kumar Sah alias Bajrangi Sah started insisting on reaching home along with all the above accused. The victim has further said in the registered FIR that when he came home from the market, he saw that all the above accused were talking to his minor daughter. The victim has said in the FIR that when he asked his daughter, his daughter told him that after they had gone to the market, the above accused used to come to their house and talk to them and ask them to marry.
Lures girls by luring them with money
In the registered FIR, it has been said that all the above accused are promising to give money, mobile, jewelry etc. to prepare their minor daughter for marriage. On getting information in this context, he told the people of the society. When people came to know, it came to light that these people lure innocent girls in the village society by luring them with money etc. and get them married and then take that girl to Neemuch, Madhya Pradesh and do immoral prostitution. Are. After registering an FIR, the police arrested all the accused and sent them to Araria Jail in judicial custody on Saturday.
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says the police chief
In this context, Station Officer in-charge Rajesh Bharti said that on the application of the minor’s father, all the six people arrested have been sent to judicial custody after registering an FIR. The case is being investigated.