Patna. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, who reached Delhi on a two-day tour, has met Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge. In this closed-door meeting, which lasted for about an hour, a strategy has been chalked out regarding opposition unity. After the meeting, JDU National President Lalan Singh and Congress leader Benugopal while talking to the media said that many issues were discussed in today’s meeting. A strategy has been prepared regarding opposition unity. We all the people of the opposition party are going to sit together soon.
Nitish Kumar met Congress leader for the second time within 40 days
After this meeting between Nitish Kumar and Congress leaders for the second time within the last 40 days, when asked about the meeting of the opposition parties, Lalan Singh said clearly that in the next two days, when and how many times will this bike be held? All the information will be given to you people. He said that it is not yet decided where this meeting will be held. By the way, Mamta Banerjee has proposed to hold a meeting of opposition parties in Bihar. It is being said that Nitish is meeting the leaders of the opposition to discuss the big meeting to be held in Bihar and after everyone’s consent, the date of the proposed meeting will be fixed soon.
Mamata has proposed a meeting in Bihar
Earlier, Nitish had met Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal yesterday. Nitish Kumar has reached Delhi with Deputy CM Tejashwi after attending the swearing-in ceremony of the new government in Karnataka. Nitish Kumar is continuously meeting the leaders of the opposition. This campaign had slowed down a bit in the middle, but later Nitish intensified his campaign. In the last few months, Nitish has met all the big leaders of the opposition. Recently, he had met West Bengal CM Mamta Banerjee, Akhilesh Yadav, Naveen Patnaik, Uddhav Thackeray, Sharad Pawar and Hemant Soren to give edge to opposition unity.