Bumper vacancy came out in SSC, know how many posts of Stenographer Grade C and D will be appointed…

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Blitz India
  • Update Time : Friday, May 19, 2023

SSC on Friday released the number of vacancies of Stenographer Grade-C and D Recruitment Exam-2022. Through this, 3960 youths will get jobs. The final result will be released in a few days. The examination process was completed last month itself. SSC had issued an advertisement on August 20, 2022, for recruitment to the posts of Stenographer in Central Government Departments and Ministries. Selection was to be done through online examination and skill test.

Its online examination was held on November 17 and 18, 2022. In SSC Central Region (UP and Bihar), 86 centers were set up in 18 cities for online examination. When the result of the online examination was released on January 9, 60,346 candidates from all over the country were successful. The skill test ie stenography test of the successful candidates was conducted on 15 and 16 February. In the Stenography test the passage is first spoken, written by the candidates in short hand and then typed.

In this process, there was a technical problem while speaking the passage and the candidates could not hear it properly. Because of this the exam was canceled and conducted on March 10. The same problem happened in this too, so it was postponed again. After that, Hindi shorthand test was conducted on 25th April and English on 26th April. With this the examination process was completed. Now the final result has to be released. Before this SSC has declared the number of vacancies.

How many posts of which grade will be appointed

Stenographer Grade-C: 389 posts vacant in 11 departments

Unreserved-202 EWS-26

OBC-, 87

SC-, 57 ST-17

Stenographer Grade-D: 3571 posts vacant in 51 departments



OBC-, 911

SC-, 565 ST-202

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