New Delhi, May 15 (Hindustan Times). Union Minister for Home and Cooperation Amit Shah said that the harshly worded drafted law always creates controversy. The more simply and clearly the law is written, the more indisputable it is.
Union Home Minister Shah, while addressing a training program on legislative drafting in the Parliament House complex on Monday, said that the model of good law drafting is to make such a law that the court does not get a chance to interfere. He said that our aim should be to draft the law in simple and clear language.
Addressing a training program on legislative drafting organized for the officials of the Parliament, State Legislatures, various ministries and statutory bodies at the Center and States today, Shah said that legislative drafting is a very important part of our democracy. Lack of information about it not only weakens the laws and the entire democratic system, but also affects the functioning of the judicial system.
He further said that legislative drafting is very important for any democratic country. That’s why there should be change, increase and more efficiency in its skill according to time.
Shah said that the work of the Legislative Department is to translate the political will of the Parliament and the Union Cabinet into law. He said that the work of the Legislative Department is to give political will, ways to solve the problems of the people and different needs of the country in the form of law and therefore drafting is very important.
Shah further said that the better the drafting, the easier the learning becomes and the lesser the chances of error by the executive. He said that by leaving gray area in the drafting, there would be a possibility of encroachment while interpreting and if the drafting is complete and clear, its interpretation would also be clear.
p style=”text-align: justify;”>The Union Home Minister said that capacity building is a continuous process and it is very important to upgrade the skills of the state legislatures, the country’s parliament and the law-making team in every department of the states and the country. The world is changing very fast and we have to keep pace with the changing world. Laws will also have to be molded according to today’s needs. If we are not so open, we will become obsolete and irrelevant.
It is worth mentioning that a training program on legislative drafting has been organized for the officers of the Parliament, State Legislatures, various Ministries and statutory bodies of the Center and the States. Several dignitaries including Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla, Union Ministers Pralhad Joshi, Arjun Ram Meghwal and Union Home Secretary were present in the programme.