popular shows taarak mehta ka ulta chashma Producer Asit Modi has been in the limelight for the last two days. Jennifer Mistry Bansiwal who played the role of Mrs. Roshan Singh Sodhi in the show made some shocking allegations against the people associated with the show. The actress had filed a case of sexual harassment against the producers of the show, Asit Kumar Modi, Sohail Ramani and Jatin Bajaj. Now she has left the show and is continuously making many revelations. Let us tell you today about his personal life.
Personal life of Jennifer Mistry Bansiwal
Roshan Bhabhi aka Jennifer Mistry Bansiwal of Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah remains very active on social media. Her husband’s name is Mayur alias Bobby Bansiwal and the couple also has a daughter named Lekisha Bansiwal. Jennifer’s husband is a photographer and has also acted. Both had inter-religion marriage in the year 1998.
Jennifer Mistry Bansiwal net worth
Jennifer Mistry Bansiwal was associated with Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah for 15 years. According to Wikipedia, Forbes and Business Insider, the total assets of the actress are $ 5 million (about 41 crores). He was born in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. Jennifer worked in CID, Crazy 4 and Halla Bol, Luck by Chance, Airlift, Naagin.
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Jennifer Mistry had said this
Jennifer Mistry Bansiwal has filed a complaint against producer Asit Modi, project head Sohail Ramani and executive producer Jatin Bajaj for alleged sexual harassment at work. According to the report of ETimes, Jennifer has stopped shooting for the show two months ago. She last shot for the show on March 7 and claims she had to leave the set after being “insulted by Sohail and executive producer Jatin Bajaj”.