BJP captured the mayor’s seat in Agra for the seventh time with more than one lakh votes, this time got five more councilors


Agra. In the Agra Municipal Elections, BJP has once again established its power this time. For the seventh time, BJP has registered victory on the mayor’s seat. There are 57 corporators. There is happiness in the BJP camp. The counting of votes for the municipal elections started from 8:00 am in the Mandi Committee located on Firozabad Road. In the initial round, BSP’s mayoral candidate Lata Balmiki was leading. And BJP’s mayoral candidate Hemlata Diwakar was trailing by around 21000 votes.

Hope of victory tied after counting 10 rounds

After about 10 rounds were counted, the victory figures of Hemlata Diwakar started increasing. In the beginning, he defeated BSP candidate Lata Balmiki by about two and a half thousand votes. And then this figure reached around 50,000. According to the information of District Election Commission after all 21 rounds of counting, BJP candidate Hemlata Diwakar defeated BSP’s mayoral candidate Lata Balmiki by 108654 votes.

Councilors found in 57 wards, BSP won in 27 wards

Talking about the total number of votes polled in the municipal elections, the mayor candidate of Bahujan Samaj Party got 159380 votes and BJP got 267792 votes along with 242 ballot votes. On the other hand, BJP candidates have won the maximum number of councilor posts in Agra. This time BJP has got five more councilors than last time. BJP has won in total 57 wards. The same Bahujan Samaj Party has won 27, independent candidates 11, SP 3 and Congress has won one ward.


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