Lucknow, May 12 (Hindustan Times). I have been doing farming for almost four decades. When started farming, the joint family of three brothers (Late Harishchandra, Shivaji Chand- Block Head Gagaha) had only seven-eight acres of land. Today we have more than 30 acres of farm. During this, not only the area of the farm increased, many other things also happened.
Every necessary modern resource of farming like state-of-the-art land leveling machine, land laser leveler, fertilizers and seeds fall together, plants grow from the line, weed control can be done easily, for this Happy Seeder, pipe during irrigation To reduce the wastage of water due to leakage of plastic, strong HD pipes etc. were also arranged. Apart from this, two petrol pumps, a cement brick making unit used in interlocking were also established in the joint family. Whatever is there is because of agriculture. That too from the traditional cultivation of wheat and paddy.
This is to say of 56 year old Dinkar Chand. Shri Chand is a resident of Narre village of Gagaha area of Gorakhpur district, home of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. According to him, traditional farming is also not bad. The condition is that the field should be prepared according to the crop. Select advanced varieties for sowing according to agro-climatic zone and take necessary crop protection measures from time to time to protect them from pests and diseases. To increase the amount of green manure and organic elements in the land, sow the frame at every one year interval in the field. As far as possible add cow dung manure. Dinkar Chand does all these things himself. There are usually four cows in the house. This also leads to cow service. Cow dung manure with pure milk, curd, ghee is a bonus.
According to the intention of the Chief Minister, it is possible to double the income by reducing the cost of labor
On the question of doubling the income of the farmers by the Yogi government, he says, it is absolutely possible. For this, maximum production at minimum cost will also have to be considered by the Chief Minister. The biggest problem of agriculture is labor shortage. One, they are not available. Even if available, they are expensive. They are needed from the preparation of the field to sowing, irrigation, harvesting etc.
Mechanization greatly reduces the cost of labor
According to Mr. Chand, mechanization has made this work easier. The emphasis of the government is also on this. Agricultural machinery is being given on subsidy. The subsidy is paid directly into the farmers’ account with full transparency. This has also increased the attitude of the farmers.
With Happy Seeder, a man can sow an acre of land in an hour.
According to Dinkar Chand, if you can put manure and seeds in Happy Seeder’s chonga, then you can sow one acre of field in one hour with a tractor yourself. The combine has also made harvesting easier. Through mechanization, you can do more work as per your interest at the local level by saving resources in the form of time and labour.
Income of about one lakh rupees from one acre in a year
Although Dinkar Chand has not received any award. However, those interested in farming in the entire area know that they get the best yield of wheat and paddy. According to him, he cultivates paddy in 15 acres in Kharif season and wheat in 30 acres in Rabi season. Vegetables, pulses and oilseeds are just needed. Earlier they used to cultivate sugarcane, but abandoned it years ago due to non-availability of mills nearby. His average yield per acre of wheat is about 22 quintals and average yield of paddy is 20 to 25 quintals per acre. According to him, an income of about one lakh rupees is earned from one acre of farm in a year.
rely on innovation
According to the time, he keeps on innovating even in traditional farming. For example, in Kharif, he cultivates Mansoori, Sarju-52, Kalanamak, Pusa Basmati Type-1. Also advise that Pusa Basmati Type-1 is the best among fine paddy for your area. For paddy cultivation, he has sown the structure for green manure. His favorite varieties in wheat are 2003, 2967 and Karna Vandana.
Intention to cultivate turmeric along with chiku
At present, he is also thinking seriously about diversifying traditional farming. From the research done so far, he says that Chiku cultivation is good for his area. Cultivation of turmeric which is used at home in its garden is possible to have double benefit. Firstly, there will be additional income, secondly, the garden will also be better maintained.