Ara. On Thursday, the Bhojpur police arrested the robbers who were running away after looting four and a half lakhs from a petrol pump worker, after injuring them in an encounter. The incident took place in front of Arya Samaj temple of Nagar police station area. A policeman has also been injured in this encounter. During the incident, an atmosphere of chaos was seen in the heart of the city for hours. This action of the police has created a stir among the criminals. SP of Bhojpur has congratulated all the policemen involved in the incident. Instructions have also been given to conduct continuous raids to arrest the two absconding robbers.
Rs 4 lakh 50 thousand looted from petrol pump worker
In relation to the incident, it is said that a petrol pump worker named Sushant Jain was going to the State Bank of India to deposit Rs 4 lakh 50 thousand cash from his petrol pump on Thursday as usual. Meanwhile, three armed criminals surrounded the bank at its gate and looted a bag full of money. The petrol pump personnel started chasing the fleeing criminals. During the uproar, the police also reached the spot and started chasing the robbers. Meanwhile, the robbers started firing on the police. In retaliatory firing, the police shot dead an armed robber. The injured robber has been caught.
On the statement of the criminal, a case was registered in the city police station.
A cross mobile jawan has also been injured in this encounter. There is a bullet in his stomach. The injured Cross Mobile jawan is being treated in a private clinic in Arrah. The injured robber is being treated at Ara’s Sadar Hospital. The condition of both is said to be normal. Doctors say that both their lives are out of danger. Here, on the statement of the injured criminal, a case has been registered in the city police station. Police is continuously raiding by blockade for the arrest of two absconding robbers.