JEE Main January 2023 Stage 2 result was declared late on Friday night. In which Narayana IIT/ JEE NEET & Foundation, Surat has achieved excellent results in JEE Main 2nd Stage 2023 and with these results has proved to be the best among JEE/ NEET preparation institutes in the country and city.
Three students of Narayana Group of Institutions are among the top ten students across the country. Also the students of Narayan Surat have performed very well. Four students of Narayan Surat center have been ranked in first 1000 students and 42 students have been ranked in first 10000 students as All India Rankers.
Four students Megh Bhavesh Shah, Arsh Ankit Jain, Aryan Gupta and Aditya Narayan Periwal have scored 100 percentile in Physics. While four students Megh Bhavesh Shah (391), Arsh Ankit Jain (394), Tatya Jignesh Vaghasia (515), Yash Krishnani (896) have made it to the open category. Krish Tundwal secured the city topper category position with AIR. Under AIR 100, 2 students Krish Tundwal (+60), Yash Krishnani (+90) secured the position. In the AIR 200, Krish Tundwal (+60), Akanksha Nirmal Patel (*137), Naman Karva (*198) and Yash Krishnani (+90) secured the places. Similarly 7 students secured position under AIR 500. Krish Tundwal (*60), Yash Krishnani (+90), Akanksha Nirmal Patel (*137), Naman Karwa (*198), Jai Nirmal Chandwani (*379), Megh Bhavesh Shah (391) and Arsh Ankit Jain (394). ) is included. While in AIR 1000, 10 students have secured the position. These include Krish Tundwal (+60), Yash Krishnani (+90), Akanksha Nirmal Patel (*137), Naman Karwa (*198), Jai Nirmal Chandwani (*379), Megh Bhavesh Shah (391), Arsh Ankit Jain, ( 394) Jignesh Vaghasia (515), Jinay Rakesh Mehta (*783), Pavitra Maheshkumar Kukdia (*901).
Apart from this, Akanksha Nirmal Patel (137) and Priyanshi Jalan (1266, Open) have made their presence felt in the Surat Girls Topper category. 42 students of Narayan Coaching Center Surat have secured rank in AIR 10000.
All heads of Narayana Surat center Mr. Kapil Chauhan, Mr. Maheshkumar Kukadia and Mr. Sumit Parmani along with Branch Manager Mr. Deepak Dixit, Mr. Ashok Jha, Mr. Shailendra Nagar congratulated the students and parents for this great achievement. Head Office Team with Chairman – P. Narayan Sir, Vice Chairman – Pramila Mam, Vice President – Shri Laxman Sir, National Academic Head – Shyam Bhushan Sir, Zonal Business Head – Shri Manoj Bhardwaj Sir, Zonal Academic Head – Shri. Nitish Sharma Sir also congratulated all the students and wished them all the best for the upcoming JEE Advanced Exam 2023.