Nutritionist, from fasting food to the festive table: “Measure in everything is always good”


From cause to effect

Most post-fast periods are awaited with a great culinary feast and a burning appetite. At least, that’s what the nutritionists’ findings show.

AdvertisementPeople have not given the body what it used to eat for almost two months, so it is clear that the person will want to eat everything and as much as possible.

Author: Mariana Verbina, nutritionist doctor

But what happens, in fact, is that after a period in which the diet has been changed, whether for 7 days or 40, cravings appear, sensations that are absolutely natural, according to nutritionists.

The main problem, however, consists in associating the fast with total abstinence from the usual consumed foods and reducing them to those that are more “at hand”. In this case, the body is under stress and as a result tends to consume more to make up for the lack of nutrients it needed.

In our country, people, during fasting, consume more carbohydrates, i.e. dough. When the transition to animal food is made, then a shock is produced for the body and a state of stress, both psychologically and for the digestive tract.

Author: Mariana Verbina, nutritionist doctor

As a result, the period after fasting turns into one in which food is abused and ends with disorders of the digestive system or burns.

When we eat too much food, the stomach produces a lot of stomach acid to digest it. Due to the large amount of food, gastric juice rises to the esophagus, causing burns.

From post to everything

A properly kept fast means a balance of nutrients that the human body needs. First of all, it would be about sources of vegetable proteins and fats. Moreover, they must be carefully combined with other foods to ensure their assimilation in the body.

If the person fasts correctly, consumes protein and has a diet that allows that protein to be assimilated – i.e. combines it with cellulose, vegetables, greens – then fasting only benefits the body.

Author: Mariana Verbina, nutritionist doctor

A proper transition from fasting to regular food should be done gradually, introducing foods that are easier for digestion. More attention should be paid to animal protein. Thus, doctors recommend eating fish, chicken or lamb and only later – pork or duck.

Other recommendations to have a less stressful transition for the body:

“Before sitting down to the festive table, it is good to drink at least two cups of well-heated water. First, the hunger and thirst centers in our brain are located next to each other, and we think we are very hungry, but we are actually thirsty. Another recommendation is for the food to be chewed well in the oral cavity, not to put extra effort on the digestive organs and to process it more easily”, according to nutritionist Mariana Verbina.

Everything, but in moderation

A full table, with plates upon plates and dishes of all kinds would be a habit that would hide in the Moldovan DNA. Easter is no exception to this unwritten rule. However, the burden is borne not only by the person who cooks, but also by those who take a seat at the table afterwards.

We must mix as few dishes as possible. The table may be full, but we can choose two or three courses to eat. It’s the wrong strategy or the “little bit of everything” thinking. The body for each product has its own enzymes that it uses to process it.

Author: Mariana Verbina, nutritionist doctor

For most families, a typical Easter meal is high in protein and fat and low in fiber, which plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy bowel movement. Most of the time, people tend to indulge in foods that contain salt and fat, which disrupt protein digestion.

Another stage at which the difficulty of balanced eating increases is caused by the appetite that is aroused by the dishes on the table, by the confusion of what to eat and the desire to taste everything.

We can taste everything, but let’s not abuse it.

Author: Mariana Verbina, nutritionist doctor

In the situation where the “all” option is chosen, then attention should be directed to the combinations we make, according to the specialists.

Even if we decide to eat everything, it would be good at least not to consume bread or cake. The dough contains gluten, which interferes with the assimilation of the protein and then problems arise and it is not processed.

Author: Mariana Verbina, nutritionist doctor

Post-Holiday Detox and “I ate everything” solutions

At the end of the holidays, the number of visits to doctors due to disorders of the digestive system increases, Mariana Verbina tells AGORA. The biggest problem in these situations is related to overeating.

In all things moderation is always good.

Author: Mariana Verbina, nutritionist doctor,

For the more relaxed times people are looking for after the hustle and bustle of the holidays, doctors recommend a balanced detox.

“If the person wants a detox, then they can narrow down the window in which they feed. Another thing that can be done is to eat more greens, because plants have the property of cleaning the liver and the body of toxins. They also contain fiber and help the food to be better digested. In addition, greens increase the amount of good bacteria, intestinal flora, which protect us from all health problems. I don’t recommend very strict detoxes”, says Mariana Verbina for AGORA.

An indication would also be the use of digestive enzymes.

Easter, with a cozonac more friendly to the body

There is no Easter without cozonac, beyond the impact it has on the body. However, alternatives have been found to make its consumption more pleasant and easier for the body.

“A version of a healthy cake is the one based on almond flour, buckwheat, chia seeds, rice, flax. We can use stevia as sweeteners, and for the dough to rise – use baking soda quenched with an acid, instead of yeast”, recommends nutritionist Mariana Verbina.

Moreover, it is recommended to consume it as a snack between meals and not during the meal.

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