How paternity can be established. What are the steps to follow (VIDEO)


According to the legislation, children must be registered in their civil status until they turn one year old. If the newborn’s parents are married, they are automatically included in the birth certificate. The same happens if the woman gave birth to a child within 300 days of the divorce, even if the ex-spouses are already in other relationships.

Grigore Harea mentioned that his wife’s ex-husband was registered in his daughter’s birth certificate. To establish paternity, Grigore had to pass the DNA test.

Advertisement I did the DNA analysis. From the beginning there were problems, because we didn’t know exactly if the documents given would have value in court. Saliva was taken from the mouth and from me and from the child and from the mother and that’s all. I talked to him, I called him, I talked to him to come and declare that the child is not his, and I to declare that it is mine and I closed all the issues, but he did not want to.

Author: GRIGORE HAREA, residents of Fălești r

After receiving his DNA test result, Grigore went to court.

It is quite affordable, if you want it hard and have strength of character, everything is possible. It wasn’t very complicated, yes, I had emotions, I worried, and not because I doubted that the child was not mine, but because I expected some problems along the way.

Author: GRIGORE HAREA, residents of Fălești r

If the child’s parents have not registered the marriage, only the mother is entered in the child’s birth certificate. She can indicate who the child’s father is, only in this case, the child will take the mother’s family name. And when both parents present themselves at the civil status office to complete the first act of the newborn, the father completes the request to establish paternity.

Here then, the child’s mother and father agree on the child’s last name, which can be entered in the birth certificate. The parents can also submit this paternity request before the birth of the child. If the father recognized the child, then the father is written in the father’s column, upon agreement of the parents, the child is written dau in the name of the father or in the name of the mother.

Author: TATIANA CERNOGAL, Head of SSC, ASP Sangerei

DNA tests can be carried out for private purposes or for legal purposes. When requesting a test with legal value, the physical presence of all participants is mandatory, i.e. the alleged father, the child to be investigated, but also the mother, depending on the case.

A variety of samples can be collected as biological samples such as standard and non-standard biological material, fingernails, root hairs, cigarette butts, chewing gum, nasal secretions, cerumen, blood and others. But the standard sample is the oral swab, collected from the oral cavity, from the inside of the cheek. After the investigation, only two results can be obtained, either the paternity is confirmed with 99.9%, that is, the alleged father, the investigated father is the biological father and zero, when the paternity is denied.

Author: LILIA DAȚCO, DNA laboratory manager

The court cannot compel the alleged father to take the DNA test.

If, in the Court, a request to dispute paternity is received, the court, in the case of the father’s refusal to pass the DNA test, the court cannot oblige the father to pass the said DNA, but based on the evidence brought and presented in the of the file by the plaintiff, with the presentation of evidence, evidence, messages, the presence of witnesses, all are taken into account and lead to a good development.

Author: CRISTINA BARBĂNEAGRĂ, principal specialist Ungheni Court

According to statistics, the result of a DNA test is ready within 2-3 days and serves as evidence in the files regarding the establishment or contestation of paternity.

This material is produced by TV-Nord within the project “Streamlining communication in the judicial system” financed by USAID Moldova. The acquisition of this material on AGORA takes place within a collaborative partnership.


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