Democratic Party is owned by Mexican drug cartels


America is at risk as analysts are saying, Democratic Party is owned by Mexican drug cartels. Meanwhile, Senator Lindsey Graham, a warmonger who loves the war in Ukraine and love the US fight endless wars across the world forever is seen pushing forward his agenda of engaging the United States and its European allies into more wars so that the military industrial complex can get filthily rich forever.

Commenting on the scenarios, Wayne Allyn Root, host of the nationally syndicated talk shows on radio station recently wrote in an article:

“… This is what politicians do. They fight for endless wars and endless vaccines and green energy boondoggles so that the companies who give them legal bribes (donations) and illegal bribes (in offshore accounts) make out like bandits… with your taxpayer money.

“But Lindsey Graham is finally right about something. This time I support Lindsey’s war. This is finally a war we should be fighting.

“We should send the US military to Mexico. We should declare war on the Mexican drug cartels. We should invade Mexico and kill the cartels.

“Mexico is allowing an army of millions of barbarians (soon-to-be tens of millions when Title 42 ends in May) to attack our gates. And President Joe Biden and Democrats make sure the gates are wide open and unmanned.

They’re filling America with poverty, homelessness, criminals, pedophiles and deadly drugs. They’re bankrupting America. They’re destroying America. They’re turning America into a craphole — just like the countries they came from”.

Wayne Allyn Root wrote: “… I have no interest in fighting — or funding a war in Ukraine.

“But if there’s ever been a war worth fighting, worth funding, worth spilling precious American blood… invading Mexico and wiping out the Mexican drug cartel is that war. This is the point of the US military: to protect our country, our border, our sovereignty and our citizens”.

Analysts said, while America is spending billions of dollars in Ukraine war, which actually has nothing to do with minimal interest of the American people, Democratic Party leaders in the White House and the US Capitol are showing signs of unwillingness in attacking Mexico, despite the fact, Mexico is directly harming Americans by pushing drugs worth billions of dollars, thus turning future Americans into drug addicts. Joe Biden may not feel interested in worrying about American youth becoming drug addicts, as his own son Hunter Biden, daughter Ashley Biden, and other members of the Biden family are infamous for their drug and orgy addictions.

Under Biden’s open-border policy, the US is being invaded by millions of criminals, drug traffickers, pedophiles and barbarians. The whole world is emptying their prisons to send their worst criminals through the US southern border. Terrorist cells are walking across our open border. These hordes coming across are bankrupting American courts, schools and health care system. Meaning, the United States is already at war, which Americans are yet to be aware of. And this war shall not only ruin the US, it will ultimately leave the country into the hands of criminals, drug traffickers, pedophiles and barbarians.

Americans do not realize, Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine is not affecting their lives. Ukraine simply is meaningless to Americans. But what coming across the American borders is destroying the country forever.

Patriotic Americans support Senator Lindsey Graham when he says, the US should declare war on the Mexican drug cartels. The US Army should be sent to the border to block access from foreign invaders. The US Marines should invade Mexico and take out the cartels. American Air Force should bomb known cartel hideouts. The US Navy should surround Mexico and prevent any escape by sea.

According to them, once the military action on Mexican drug cartels is accomplished, the country should spend a measly 25 to 35 billion dollars and build the best damn wall the world has ever seen so the country is never invaded again. As a bonus, that would save over one million American lives from drug overdoses in the next decade. Onwards, America needs to follow up by deporting every single noncitizen criminal out of the country. And install e-Verify to prevent any of the remaining migrants from working and wasting hundreds of billions of American taxpayer dollars on welfare, public school or health care for noncitizens. At that point, they’ll choose to self-deport and reapply legally.

But sadly, all of this is a fantasy for Americans as none of it will ever happen. Because the Biden crime family, Obama crime family, Clinton crime family and the entire Democrat Party is clearly a business partner of the Mexican Drug Cartels. They are paid to keep the border open. They are paid to keep the fentanyl and heroin flowing. The Democrat politicians are all paid a piece of the human trafficking, sex trafficking, child trafficking and drug trafficking. The cartels make billions of dollars per day. They have bought off the entire Mexican government, military and police. It is unwise to believe – they have not bought off the US politicians too.


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