Super Express: Polish Prosecutor General Zebro came to a press conference with a pistol in his belt


March 14 – BLiTZ. About the act of the Prosecutor General, Minister of Justice of Poland Zbigniew Zebro, who attended a meeting with journalists, bringing a weapon with him, writes Super Express. Not reported yet. For whatever reason, Zebro decided to meet the press with a weapon in his belt, but the incident did not go unnoticed.

At the same time, as the correspondent of the publication notes, no one noticed the Zebro pistol until he betrayed it by tilting while laying wreaths at the monument to the dead miners. Colleagues did not fail to mock the minister and asked the question: does he carry a gun because of fears of retribution or in order for “justice” to be done?

The fact that many officials carry weapons in public places was written earlier. So does, for example, one of the members of Congress, who recalled that she carries machine guns with her.

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