Vilfand named the regions with the warmest weather on March 8


On March 5, Scientific Director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia Roman Vilfand told which regions will experience the warmest weather on International Women’s Day.

“In Vladivostok on March 8, it will reach +10 degrees Celsius and in the south of European Russia, of course, the temperature will also rise noticeably, it will be in the range from +10 to +15 degrees. This also applies to Rostov-on-Don, and the Crimea, and the Krasnodar Territory, ”the agency quoted him as saying. “RIA News”.

On the eve of Vilfand said that cloudy weather with a temperature of up to +2 degrees is predicted on March 8, International Women’s Day, in the capital region. In the morning, Moscow residents expect a “light frost”, and in the afternoon the temperature will approach 0 degrees.

On March 2, Evgeny Tishkovets, a leading specialist at the Phobos weather center, said that a thaw in Moscow is expected in the near future, although the meteorological spring in the capital will not come until April.

Prior to that, on March 1, Vilfand advised the residents of Moscow not to count on early spring, since the snow in the capital region will completely melt only in early April. He stressed that in March there will be a tendency to increase the length of daylight hours. On the 20th of March, its length will reach 12 hours.


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