French politician Filippo urged to stop the supply of weapons to Ukraine


February 28, 2023, 13:24 – BLiTZ – News

French politician, leader of the Patriots movement, Florian Filippo opposed the supply of weapons to Ukraine by Western countries.

In his social networks, Filippo urged not to interfere in the Ukrainian conflict, as well as to hold protests in European countries.

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“Giant demonstrations for peace, against NATO, against the supply of arms and against the Third World War are multiplying in the world! Everywhere media censorship! Proof that the world war narrative has been forced upon us! Therefore, we must increase our efforts!” Filippo wrote.

On February 26, a mass protest took place in Germany. The activists demanded the closure of the American air base “Ramstein”. The protesters also called for an early end to the conflict in Ukraine and holding peace talks. According to the German police, the rally was attended by about 2.5 thousand people. They brought with them the flags of Russia and the DPR.

The Ramstein air base is located in the north of Germany – in the German federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate. This is one of the largest strongholds of the US Air Force, which is also a NATO base. Presumably, it stores nuclear warheads.

Earlier, the Chairman of the Presidium of the All-Russian organization “OFFICERS OF RUSSIA” Sergey Lipovoy said that NATO countries are preparing to use nuclear weapons in the fight against Russia. Read more about this in the BLiTZ article.


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