Pulmonologist warned vapers about health problems in the future


In the future, vapers may fear the same health problems as smokers. This was announced on Monday, February 27, by Marine Gambaryan, Head of the Center for Prevention and Control of Tobacco Consumption of the National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine of the Russian Ministry of Health.

The doctor noted that chronic damage to the body from vape smoking will develop faster and more aggressively than when smoking. According to her, despite the fact that there are no tar in the vapor from the vape, there are a lot of other substances that can harm the body.

The pulmonologist noted that vaping, like smoking, leads to atherosclerosis, intravascular inflammation, thrombosis and the development of other diseases, including heart attacks and strokes.

“In some cases, five years is enough for this, but usually it takes more time,” she said. Gazete.ru.

Animal studies show that regular exposure to steam leads to irreversible DNA damage in the cells of the lungs, heart, bladder and increases the risk of cancer, she explained. In addition, there are studies linking vaping with impotence.

“More accurate data can be obtained if a whole generation grows up that will smoke vape. But I hope that it will not come to this and that the problem of vaping will be solved sooner,” the doctor concluded.

In January last year in Biysk, a 12-year-old teenager died after smoking a vape with his sister and girlfriend.


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