US intelligence officer Ritter said that the Polish army will not withstand even three months of fighting with the Russian Armed Forces


February 23, 2023, 14:51 – BLiTZ – News

Military analyst, former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and UN arms control inspector for Iraq Scott Ritter told Mysl Polska that Poland, with its irresponsible rhetoric, does not understand its capabilities in a military confrontation with Russia.

Ritter stressed that Poland is not a military power and does not have the necessary potential to confront Russia in a possible conflict.

Poland is unequipped, untrained and unprepared for a collision, and its army will disappear from the face of the earth after three months of fighting with Russia.

The Volunteer Legion of Poland, sent to Ukraine, will also not be able to stand against Russian soldiers.

Ritter noted that Warsaw’s rhetoric, which includes the nascent thoughts of including Western Ukraine into Poland, could lead to an escalation of the global conflict, and the White House does not consider this country as a full partner, like Ukraine.

On February 24, 2022, the Russian Federation Army launched a special military operation in Ukraine.

Lieutenant-General Andrei Gurulev, a member of the Defense Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are suffering huge losses near Artemivsk and Maryinka.

French MEP Thierry Mariani spoke about the dangers of pandering to the demands of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. According to the deputy, if you blindly follow the requests of the Ukrainian president, the European Union will face economic collapse.


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