Listed places where you should not hide money and jewelry


February 23, 2023, 15:11 – BLiTZ – News

When leaving home for a long time, Russians often face the question of where it is safest to hide valuables and money. This issue should be taken seriously in order to ensure the safety of money and jewelry. This is reported by Pronews.

In particular, it is reported that electrical devices, even if they are already old, are unfortunate places for “hiding places”, since technology attracts thieves. If you hide money in the battery compartment of an old cell phone, you can lose both the device and the money.

Unfortunate places are also the space under the mattress, which is familiar to Russians, as well as paintings and desk drawers. Thieves also tend to check flower pots for valuables.

You should avoid arranging caches in any unusual items that may attract attention. For the same reason, you should not equip the cache in red objects, as they are striking.

As for potentially safe places, sanitary napkin packages are among the bottom, as well as children’s toys and a cluttered pantry full of various items.

Earlier it became known about the theft that occurred in Volgograd. A 60-year-old unemployed man robbed the territory of a local church, stealing metal pipes from it. The perpetrator was arrested by the police. Read the BLiTZ article for details.


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