How to prepare a pancake pan for the first frying – News


February 23, 2023, 00:49 – BLiTZ – News

With the advent of high-quality modern frying pans, making pancakes has become convenient and simple. There are several types of pancake pans with their own advantages and disadvantages. Each one needs its own special care during operation and preparation for the first frying. The BLiTZ figured out how to properly prepare a new pancake pan for the first pancake fry.

Cast iron pans

Often such pans are sold already with an oil coating and do not need additional processing. If the pan is uncoated, it needs to be prepared. To do this, wash it with soap and dry it. Then, roast the salt in it for an hour, stirring occasionally. Rinse again with soapy water and wipe dry. Now procalite the pan with oil. Pour 100 – 150 ml of refined vegetable oil and heat, when the smoke comes out, reduce the heat and continue the process for 20 – 30 minutes. Cool, drain the oil and rinse with warm running water without soap. Do not wash with a metal brush and rough sponges. The pan is ready for pancakes.

Copper frying pan

Copper frying pans are very convenient and good in all respects except the price. Wash a new frying pan in soapy water, wipe dry and use as directed.

Aluminum frying pans with ceramic coating

The ceramic coating is very resistant, but very sensitive to sudden temperature changes and drops. It must be warmed up gradually and allowed to cool after frying the pancakes. Be sure to rinse the pan after use with a sponge in warm water. Protect such pans from falling on a hard surface. Oil use is minimal.

It is recommended to use wooden and polymer accessories. Frying pan with marble or granite coating These frying pans quickly and evenly heat up and cool down slowly.

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This pan is non-toxic and safe for health. It will serve for a long time in the kitchen, its surface does not deteriorate from metal accessories. Wash with soapy water and dry with a towel before use.

Such pans have improved non-stick performance. They can be used without oil.

Pancake pan with Teflon coating

The operating rules are very simple. First, the pan must be heated, then pour in the oil and spread with a brush over the entire work surface. After the oil has warmed up, you can start baking pancakes, adding oil before each new pancake. Use silicone or wooden accessories.

Pancake pan with titanium coating

The pan instantly heats up over the entire surface, keeping the heat for a very long time. Titanium coating does not deteriorate from mechanical damage, perfectly manifests itself in the process of making pancakes.


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