February 20, 2023 – Luke’s Day, Powerful: Traditions and signs


February 20, 2023, 14:05 – BLiTZ – News

On February 20, in Orthodox churches, Luke of Elladsky, a Greek monk, is commemorated. According to the old style, the date falls on February 7th. In addition, today is the first day of Maslenitsa. The BLiTZ learned about what signs and traditions fall on February 20, 2023, on the day of Luke, on the Might.

Date History

Luke of Greece was a Greek monk who lived in the 9th-10th century. He was born into a poor family and from childhood he got used to working hard and hard. The young man devoted all his free time to prayers to God. After the death of his father, he became a monk.

Luke helped people in need and was a spiritual mentor to many Christians. God endowed him with the gift of healing from diseases, which was transferred to his relics after death. After a while, a church was erected over his tomb.

Traditions and signs

February 20 was popularly called the Mighty in honor of the medicinal plant, which was used by herbalists and healers to prepare potions. Potentilla, a plant with cross-shaped leaves, was believed to have a powerful effect on various diseases. On this day, our ancestors cooked pies with onions. The family ate half of the pastry, and it was customary to give the rest to the poor – “for good luck.” People believed that everything given would return a hundredfold. The weather was also judged on this day. People peered into the reddened sunset, heralding a cool summer with strong winds. If the winds were blowing from the north side, then they were waiting for a warm summer. Wind in the afternoon from the south – there will be a good harvest of spring crops. It rarely happened, but if winter thunder happened on February 20, it meant that haymaking would be very bad.

name day

Name days on February 20 are celebrated by: Alexander, Alexei, Luka and Peter.


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